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Italian Jewry

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 136) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Sefer Ha-Maftir Di Urbino: Manoscritto ebraico del 1704 pubblicato in facsimile
Nahon, Umberto; Sarfatti, Gad [Eds.] 1964 Tarshish / Federazione Sionistica Italiana $30.00 More Details
  Preghiere degl` Israeliti: Secondo il Rito Tedesco
della Torre, Lelio [Tr.] 1846 Francesco Nobile di Schmid e J. J. Busch Tipografi Editori $45.00 More Details
  Haggadà di Pésach: Secondo il Rito Italiano, con le Principali Varianti Dei Riti Tedesco e Spagnolo [IN ITALIAN AND HEBREW]
Donati, Angelo / Bonfil, Roberto [TRANSLATION, INTRODUCTION] 1962 Editrice Fondazione Sally Mayer $35.00 More Details
  Roma Ebraica: Duemila Anni di Storia in Immagini (Jewish Rome: A pictorial History of 2000 Years) [IN ENGLISH AND ITALIAN]
Geller, Ruth Liliana [TEXT] / Geller, Henryk ; Geller, Ard [PHOTOGRAPHS] 1983 Viella $25.00 More Details
  Taking Tigers Out For A Walk: Sediments of Jewish Identity in the Writings of Natalia Ginzburg [IN HEBREW]
Levin Byron, Tsippy 2015 Hakibbutz Hameuchad $14.06 More Details
Azariah Ibn Ephraim Ben Joab of Modena / Bergman, Devora [Ed.] 2010 Rubin Mass $15.00 More Details
  Scritti In Memoria Di Sally Mayer (1875 - 1953): Saggi sull`Ebraismo Italiano [IN ITALIAN AND HEBREW]
il Dottore Nahon, Umberto 1956 Fondazione Sally Mayer $30.00 More Details
  I Raise My Heart: Poems By Moses Zacuto - A Scientific Edition. [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH PREFACE]
Bregman, Dvora 2009 Ben - Zvi Institute For The Study Of Jewish Communities In The East \ Yad Izhak Ben - Zvi \ The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem $23.44 More Details
  Sefer Ha-Maftif Di Urbino: Manoscritto Ebraico del 1704
Nahon, Umberto ; Sarfatti, Gad [intro] 1964 Casa Editrice Tarshish $45.00 More Details
  The Rabbinate In Renaissance Italy [IN HEBREW]
Bonfil, Robert 2005 The Schocken Institute Of The Jewish Theological Seminary Of America \ The Bialik Institute \ The Schechter Institute For Jewish Studies $20.31 More Details
  Arte e Vita ebraica a Venezia: 1516-1797
Sandri, Maria Grazia; Alazraki, Paolo 1971 G.C Sansoni $35.00 More Details
  Historical Consciousness and Religious Tradition in Azariah de` Rossi`s Me`or `Einayim
Segal, Lester A. 1989 The Jewish Publication Society $25.00 More Details
  Storie del Ghetto di Vercelli.
Bottini Treves, Rossella 1993 Societa Storica Vercellese / Comunita Ebraica di Vercelli $25.00 More Details
  The Glory of Sinai: The Dramatic Works of Matityahu Nissim (Donato) Terni [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Terni, Matityahu Nissim (Donato) / Bergman, Dvora [Ed. / Introduction / Notes] 2003 Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East / Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / The Hebrew University $15.00 More Details
  Het Getto Van Venetie: Ponentini, Leuantini e Tedeschi 1516- 1797 \ The Ghetto in Venice: Ponentini Leuantini e Tedeschi 1516 - 1797
Cohen, Julie-Marthe [Ed.] 1990 SDU uitgeverij / Jewish Historical Museum $25.00 More Details
  Minutes Book of the Council of the "Italian" Jewish Community of Venice - 1644-1711
Carpi, Daniel [Ed.] úùñ"â, 2003 Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East / Yad Izhak Ben Zvi and / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $18.75 More Details
  La Rassegna Mensile di Israel: Scritti in Onore di Dante Lattes.
1938 La Rassegna Mensile di Israel $45.00 More Details
  The Jews in the Duchy of Milan - Volume Four: Condensed Deeds and Idexes [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Simonsohn, Shlomo [Ed.] 1986 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $35.00 More Details
  Storia degli ebrei italiani sotto il Fascismo.
De Felice, Renzo / Cantimori, Delio [Intro.] 1962 Giulio Einaudi $20.00 More Details
  History of the Jews in the Duchy of Mantuva - Volume II [THIS VOLULE ONLY] [IN HEBREW].
Simonsohn, Shlomo 1964 kiryath Sepher $29.69 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 136) 

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