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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 517) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Le Traite D`amour Mystique D`al-Daylami; Quvrage Publie Avec Le Concours De Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique II
Vadet, Jean-Claude 1980 Librairie Droz $48.00 More Details
  Miscellanea Di Studi: In Memoria di Dario Disegni [IN HEBREW AND ITALIAN]
Artom, E. M. ; Caro, L. ; Sierra, S. J. 1969 Instituto di Studi Ebraici Scoula Rabbinica "S. H. Margulies-D. Disegni" $45.00 More Details
  Jewish Survival: The Identity Problem at The Close of the Twentieth Century
Krausz, Ernest [Ed.] \ Tulea, Gitta 1998 Transaction $45.00 More Details
  Metsudah (Fortress): Essays and Studies [IN HEBREW]
Rawidowicz, Simon [EDIT] 1954 Ararat Publishing Society $56.25 More Details
  Tarbiz: A quarterly For The Jewish Studies [VOL. L: Jubilee Volume. ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Urbach, Ephraim E. [EDIT] 1980-1981 The Hebrew University, Magnes Press $29.69 More Details
Michman, Jozeph [Ed.] 1975 - 1988 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University / The Institute on Research on Dutch Jewry $75.00 More Details
  Wilfried Skreiner: Texte Fotos Reaktionen: Eine Hommage
Skreiner, Wilfried 1995 Droschl $20.00 More Details
  Essays On Judaism [IN HEBREW]
Cohen, Hermann / Voyeslavsky, Zvi [TRANSLATION] 1935 At The University Press $26.56 More Details
  Educational Eclectics: Essays In Memory of Shlomo (Seymour) Fox by Graduates of the Mandel Leadership Institute [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Wygoda, Shmuel ; Sorek, Israel [EDIT] 2009 Mandel Foundation $23.44 More Details
  When Disaster Comes From Afar: Leading Personalities in the Land of Israel Confront Nazism and the Holocaust, 1933-1948 [IN HEBREW]
Porat, Dina ; Halamish, Aviva [Ed.] 2009 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
  Studies in the Philosophy of Biology: Reduction and Related Problems
Ayala, Francisco Jose ; Dobzhansky, Theodosius [EDIT] 1974 Macmillan $45.00 More Details
  Hebraica Miscellanea Di Studi: In Onore Di Sergio J. Sierra Per Il Suo 75 Compleanno
Israel, F. ; Rabello, A. M. ; Somekh, A. M. 1998 Istituto Di Studi Ebraici \ Scuola Rabbinica S. H. Margulies - D. Disegni $45.00 More Details
Vernet, Daniel ; Gadina, Pierre Paroles de Vie $30.00 More Details
  Schriften zur Zionitischen Politik und Zur Jüdisch-Arabischen Frage
Buber, Martin 2019 Gutersloher Velaghaus $65.00 More Details
Queer Theory And The Jewish Question
Boyarin, Daniel ; Itzkovitz, Daniel ; Pellegrini, Ann [Ed.] 2003 Columbia University Press $20.00 More Details
Scrolls: Essays on Jewish History and Literature, and Kindred Subjects - Vol. 2 [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Deutsch, Gotthard 1917 Ark Publishing \ Bloch Publishing $20.00 More Details
  Jewish History and Jewish Memory: Essays in Honor of: Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi
Carlebach, Elisheva ; Efron, John M. ; Myers, David N. [EDIT] 1998 Brandeis University Press $65.00 More Details
  Mythistory: The Making of a Modern Historiography
Mali, Joseph 2003 The University of Chicago Press $45.00 More Details
  ...At Være Jøde: - Essays Om Jøder Og Jødedom [SIGNED]
Arnheim, Arthur 2015 Forlaget Goldberg & Mor $50.00 More Details
  After Emancipation: Jewish Religious Responses to Modernity
Ellenson, David 2004 Hebrew Union College Press $75.00 More Details

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