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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 76) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
L`Ègyptologie en 1979. Axes prioritaires de recherches - Tome I [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
1982 Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [CNRS] $95.00 More Details
Divine War in the Old Testament and in the Ancient Near East.
Kang, Sa-Moon 1989 Walter de Gruyter $85.00 More Details
  Aphrodite - A Greek Goddess [SIGNED BY EDITOR]
Shabtai, Aharon [Ed. ; Tr.] 1978 The Israel Museum $14.06 More Details
  Personality and Deviance: Development and Core Dynamics
Shoham, Shlomo Giora 2000 Praeger $25.00 More Details
  The Creation: In Science Myth and Religion [IN HEBREW].
Mazor, Lea [Ed.] 1991 [1990] The Magnes Press, the Hebrew University $10.94 More Details
  Le Monde des Hittites.
Riemschneider, Margarete / Bossert, Helmuth Th. [Intr.] / Daussy, Henri [Tr.] 1955 Buchet / Chastel $25.00 More Details
  Quetzalcoatl and the Irony of Empire: Myths and Prophecies in the Aztec Tradition [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Carrasco, David 1992 The University of Chicago $18.00 More Details
  La cité des images: Religion et société en Grèce antique
1984 Fernand Nathan / Centre de recherches comparees sur les societes anciennes / Institut d`archeologie et d`histoire ancienne $40.00 More Details
  Ulisse: Il Mito e la Memoria
Bernard, Andreae; Claudio Parisi, Presicce [Eds.] 1996 Progetti Museali Editore $45.00 More Details
Magic and Folklore in Rabbinic Literature.
Sperber, Daniel 1994 Bar Ilan University Press $120.00 More Details
Homer / Pope, Alexander [Tr.] / Wakefield, Gilbert [Essays, Preface & Notes ] / [René Le Bosu] 1806 Printed for J. Johnson, W. J. and J. Ricéardson, etc. $175.00 More Details
  Serpent`s Chronicle [SIGNED BY AUTHOR]
Folberg, Neil 2013 Abbeville Press $25.00 More Details
  Tod und Jenseits im Alten Ägypten.
Assmann, Jan 2001 C. H. Beck $28.00 More Details
  Enlightenment to Enlightenment: Intercritique of Science and Myth
Atlan, Henri / Schramm, Lenn J. [Tr.] 1993 State University of New York $20.00 More Details
  Handbook of Egyptian Gods and Mummy Amulets.
Blanchard, R. H. 1909 Attic Books $22.00 More Details
  The Concept of the Miracle in the Bible.
Zakovitch, Yair / Himelstein, Shmuel [Trans.] 1991 MOD Books $20.00 More Details
  Local Goddesses From Ancient Deities to Mythical Women of Today [IN HEBREW].
Hershman, Debby [CURATOR] 1994 Tower of David Museum of the History of Jerusalem $20.31 More Details
  Gestes et Paroles Dans les Diverses Familles Liturgiques: Conferences Saint-Serge XXIV Semaine D`etudes Liturgiques Paris, 28 Juin-1 Juillet 1977.
1978 Centro Liturgico Vincenziano $35.00 More Details
  Das Märchen von Amor und Psyche in der Griechischen Volksüberlieferung (Aarne-Thompson 425, 428&432).
Megas, Georgios A. 1971 Academy of Athens $30.00 More Details
Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Sprach- und Sagenkunde von Max Grünbaum.
Grünbaum, Max / Perles, Felix [Ed.] 1901 Verlag von S. Calvary & Co. $150.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 76) 

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