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Manuscripts - Judaica
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Books in this category :
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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 175) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Judaica und Hebraica: Lagerkatalog 761 von Joseph Baer & Co. Buchhandlung U. Antiquariat
Joseph Baer & Co. $18.00 More Details
  Biblioteca de Impresos Raros Americanos: Tomo II
1951 Universidad de la Republica $20.00 More Details
  Libraries and Book Collections [IN HEBREW]
Kaplan, Yosef ; Sluhovsky, Moshe [Ed.] 2006 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $20.31 More Details
  Bibliography of Important Studies on Old Iranian Subjects
Henning, Walter Bruno 1950 Ketab-Khaneh Danesh $25.00 More Details
  Bibliography of the Writings of Gershom G. Scholem [IN HEBREW].
1977 The Magness Press, The Hebrew University $20.31 More Details
  Soviet Jewry: 1917-1973 [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Pinkus, Binyamin 1974 The Zalman Shazar Center / The Historical Society of Israel $14.06 More Details
  Research on Erets Yisrael and the Yishuv in Israeli Universities: Doctoral and M. A. theses Written and in Preparation [IN HEBREW].
Barnay, Y. [Ed.] 1974 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $12.50 More Details
  Research on Erets Yisrael and the Yishuv in Israeli Universities: Doctoral and M. A. theses Written and in Preparation [IN HEBREW].
Barnay, Y. [Ed.] 1974 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $14.06 More Details
  Handbuch der Urkundenlehre: Fur Deutschland und Italien - Zweiter Band [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Bresslau, Harry 1931 Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co. $35.00 More Details
  Incunabula, Hebraica & Judaica: Five Centuries of Hebraica and Judaica, Rare Bibles, and Hebrew Incunables from the Jacob M. Lowy Collection - Exhibition [IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH].
Sabin Hill, Brad [Ed.] 1981 National Library of Canada $20.00 More Details
  In Pursuit of Freedom.
Brafman, Morris 1991 Shengold $20.00 More Details
  Corpus Glossariorum Biblicorum Hebraico-Gallicorum Medii Avei: Tomus Secundus Volume I - Le Glossaire de Leipzig: Texte [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Banitt, Menahem [Ed.] 1995 Academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres d`Israle $20.31 More Details
History of the Jews in Aragon - Regesta and Documents 1213-1327
Régné, Jean / Assis, Yom Tov [Ed.] / Gruzman, Adam [Ed.] 1978 The Magness Press $450.00 More Details
  The Tablets of Ebla: Concordance and Bibliography.
Beld, Scott G. ; Hallo, William W. ; Michalowski, Piotr 1984 Eisenbrauns $45.00 More Details
  Janusz Korczak in Hebrew: His Work and the Writings About Him- Annotated Bibliography with Introduction [IN HEBREW]
Elkoshi, Gedalyah 1972 Beit Lohamei Haghettaot - Ghetto Fighters` House / Hakkibutz Hameuchad $14.06 More Details
  Livers et Manuscrits Anciens Rares et Precieux - Catalogue Centenaire de Notre Librairie 1890-1990
1990 Francois et Rodolphe Chamonal $20.00 More Details
  Haggadah Thesaurus [Bibliography of Passover Haggadot From the Beginning of Hebrew Printing Until 1960] [Includes the separate paper bound Indices]
The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $45.00 More Details
  Haggadah Thesaurus [Bibliography of Passover Haggadot From the Beginning of Hebrew Printing Until 1960] [Includes the separate paper bound Indices]
The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $55.00 More Details
  The Jews in Barcelona 1213-1291: Regesta of Documents from the Archivo Capitular [IN SPANISH].
Cinta Mane, Maria ; Assis, Yom Tov [Eds.] 1988 Ginzei Am Olam / Hispania Judaica / The Hebrew University $95.00 More Details
  Almanach des Schocken Verlags auf das Jahr 5698 [1937-8]
1938 [5698] Schocken $15.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 175) 

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