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Jewish Mysticism, Hasidism & Kabbalah

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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 288) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Kabbalistic Bible: Numbers - Technology for the Soul
Berg, Yehuda [Ed.] 2004 The Kabbalah Centre International $20.00 More Details
  The Kabbalistic Bible: Genesis - Technology for the Soul
Berg, Yehuda [Ed.] 2008 The Kabbalah Centre International $25.00 More Details
  The Kabbalistic Bible: Exodus - Technology for the Soul
Berg, Yehuda [Ed.] 2004 The Kabbalah Centre International $20.00 More Details
  Die Sagen der Juden: Von der Urzeit: Judische Sagen und Mythen [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Bin Gorion, Micha Josef [Ed.] 1919 Rutten & Loening $30.00 More Details
  Das Wesen des Prophetischen Judentums: Ein Beitrag zum Verstandnis der Propheten
Kaak, S. 1907 M. Poppelauer $20.00 More Details
  The Quest for Authenticity: The Thought of Reb Simhah Bunim
Rosen, Michael 2008 Urim $30.00 More Details
  Judaica II.
Scholem, Gershom 1970 Suhrkamp $20.00 More Details
  Chassidismus III: Die Erzahlungen der Chassidim - Kommentar.
Buber, Martin / Hacohen, Ran [Ed.] 2015 Gutersloher $150.00 More Details
  Chassidismus III: Die Erzahlungen der Chassidim - Text.
Buber, Martin / Hacohen, Ran [Ed.] 2015 Gutersloher $150.00 More Details
  Chassidismus II: Theoretische Schriften.
Buber, Martin / Talabardon, Susanne [Ed.] 2016 Gutersloher $150.00 More Details
  Chassidismus I: Fruhe Schriften.
Buber, Martin / Hacohen, Ran; Witte, Bernd [Ed.] 2018 Gutersloher $150.00 More Details
  Rabbinische Wundergeschichten Des Neutestamentlichen Zeitalters: In Vokalisiertem Text mit Sprachlichen und Sachlichen Bemerkungen.
Fiebig, Paul 1911 A. Marcus und E. Weber`s $20.00 More Details
  Bibliography of the Writings of Gershom G. Scholem [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
1977 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $17.19 More Details
  Quietistic Elements In Eighteenth Century Hasidic Thought [ IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH SUMMARY]
Uffenheimer, Schatz Rivka 1980 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $15.00 More Details
  Cannabis Chassidis: The Ancient and Energing Torah of Drugs (a memoir)
Leib Ibn Mardachya, Yoseph 2022 Atzmos Press $20.31 More Details
  The Doctrine of Evil and the Kelippah in Lurianic Kabbalism. [IN HEBREW]
Tishby, Isaiah / Scholem, G. [Ed.] $20.31 More Details
  Messianism in the Time of the Expulsion from Spain and Portugal
Tishby, Isaiah 1985 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $37.50 More Details
  Les Recits Hassidiques
Buber, Martin / Guerne, Armel [Tr.] / Guillemin, Ellen Nadel [Intro.] 1963 Editions du Rocher $25.00 More Details
  Hassidim and the Return to Zion [IN HEBREW]
Alfassi, Itzhak $26.56 More Details
  L`Art Juif et la Kabbale
Shenkar, Nadine 1996 NiL Editions $20.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 288) 

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