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Jewish Mysticism, Hasidism & Kabbalah

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Showing books 81 to 100 (of 288) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Sabbatian Movement and Its Aftermath: Messianism, Sabbatianism and Frankism - Volume Two [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Elior, Rachel [Ed.] 2001 The Institute of Jewish Studies / The Hebrew University / The Gershom Scholem Center for the Study of Jewish Mysticism and Kabbala $95.00 More Details
  Hasidic Reonses to the Holocaust in the Light of Hasidic Thoughtsp
Schindler, Pesach 1990 KTAV $40.00 More Details
  Kabbalah and Consciousness
Afterman, Allen 1992 The Sheep Meadow Press $20.00 More Details
  Hasidism and Haskalah: In Galicia and the Congress Kingdom of Poland in the First Half of the Nineteeth Century [IN HEBREW]
Mahler, Raphael 1961 Sifriat Poalim $23.44 More Details
  Kabbalah: New Perspectives
Idel, Moshe 1988 Yale University Press $25.00 More Details
  A World Apart Next Door: Glimpses into Life of Hasidic Jews
Muchawsky-Schnapper, Ester / Green, Arthur [Introduction] 2012 The Israel Museum $35.00 More Details
  Culture of Compassion: The Spirit of Polish Jewry from Hasidism to the Holocaust
Klepfisz, Heszel / Leviant, Curt [Trans.] 1983 Ktav $18.00 More Details
  Von Der Mystischen Gestalt Der Gottheit: studien zu Grundbegriffen der Kabbala
Scholem, Gershom 1973 Suhrkamp Verlag $20.00 More Details
  Zur Kabbala Und Ihrer Symbolik
Scholem, Gershom 1960 Rhein $20.00 More Details
  Le Zohar: Suivi du Midrach Ha Neelam - Tome I [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Mopsik, Charles [Trans. / Ed. / Forward] ; Maruani, Bernard [Trans. / Ed.] 1981 Verdier $20.00 More Details
  The Secret of Chabad: Inside the World`s Most Successful Jewish Movement
Eliezrie, David 2015 The Toby Press $20.00 More Details
  Die Geheimnisse der Schopfung: Ein Kapitel aus Dem Sohar.
Scholem, G. [Gershom] 1935 Schocken $30.00 More Details
  Kabbalistische Sagen
Bloch, Chajim [Chaim] 1925 Asia Major $15.00 More Details
  Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism: Based on the Hilda Strook Lectures Delivered at the Jewish Institute of Religion, New York
Scholem, Gershom Gerhard 1946 Schocken Books $25.00 More Details
  Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah [IN HEBREW]
Idel, Moshe 1990 Academon $29.69 More Details
  Mystical Union in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: An Ecumenical Dialogue
Idel, Moshe; McGinn, Bernard [Ed.] 1996 Continuum $20.00 More Details
  Let There Be Light: Thirty Days in the Lives of the Chabad-Lubavitch Lamplighters
Gottlieb, Simcha 1986 Merkos L`inyonei Chinuch $45.00 More Details
  Philo Zitaten-Lexikon: Worte von [fur] Juden
Tannenbaum, Eugen / Fraenkel, Ernst [Ed.] 1936 Philo $20.00 More Details
  Geschichte des Chassidismus in Zwei Banden [TWO VOLUME SET]
Dubnow, Simon / Steinberg, A. [Trans.] 1931 Judischer Verlag $45.00 More Details
  Three Types of Ancient Jewish Mysticism: The Seventh Annual Rabbi Louis Feinberg Memorial Lecture in Judaic Studies
Dan, Joseph 1984 University of Cincinnati $20.00 More Details

Showing books 81 to 100 (of 288) 

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