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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 332) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Duvshani, Gilead [EDIT, TEXT] / Hann, Rami [TRANSLATION] 2000 Urian $29.69 More Details
  Absorption Centres and Hostels [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Yavin, S. / Sagiv, M. 1969 Yeffe Nof $20.31 More Details
  Senan Abdelqader: Architecture of Dependency: The Israeli Presentation 7th Sao Paulo International Biennial of Architecture [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH AND ARABIC]
Abdelqader, Senan 2007 The Israeli Council of Culture and Arts: Visual Art Section $23.44 More Details
  Erweiterung des Berlin Museums mit Abreilung Judisches Museum. Extension to the Berlin Museum with Jewish Museum Department [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH AND GERMAN]
Libeskind, Daniel / Feireiss Kristin [EDIT] 1992 Ernst & Sohn $37.50 More Details
Hierotopy: Studies in the Making of Sacred Spaces: Materials from the International Symposium [IN RUSSIAN]
Lidov, Alexei [EDIT] 2004 Radunitsa / Research Centre For Eastern Christian Culture $25.00 More Details
  Hierotopy: Studies in the Making of Sacred Spaces: Materials from the International Symposium [IN RUSSIAN]
Lidov, Alexei [EDIT] 2004 Radunitsa / Research Centre For Eastern Christian Culture $25.00 More Details
  The Church of The Nativity, Bethlehem: A Guide
Hamilton, R. W. 1968 Department of Antiquities and Museums, Ministry of Education and Culture $23.44 More Details
  Dov Karmi: Architect-Engineer, 1905-1962 [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW] [CD and Catalogue Kit Included]
Karmi, Dov \ Yagid-Haimovici, Meira [Editor] 2010 Tel Aviv Museum of Art $29.69 More Details
  Kibbutz: Architecture Without Precedents. [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Bar Or, Galia [Chief Editor] \ Raz, Daphna [Hebrew text editing and translation] \ Flantz, Richard [English text editing and translation] 2010 Unknown $95.00 More Details
  Housing In Israel: Economic & Sociological Aspects
Drabkin - Darin, H. 1957 Gadish Books $30.00 More Details
  Public Buildings: a Present Tense of Solutions and Dreams [IN HEBREW]
Nofar, David / Ben-Haim, Roy [TRANS` TO ENGLISH] 2017 d+a Domus $46.88 More Details
  D&A: Design and Architecture - The Architectural Language of Pitsou Kedem Architects
Urian, Giora 2010 Mitchamey Itzuv Veadrichalut Ltd $75.00 More Details
  The Shrine of the Book ; Le Sanctuaire du Livre ; Der Schrein des Buches
Broshi, Magen [Curator] 1991 The Israel Museum $37.50 More Details
  Campus Planning
Dober, Richard P. 1963 Reinhold Publishing Corporation $25.00 More Details
  Contemporary Lighting: Selected [rojects From the Second Phillips International Lighting Contest
Manders, J.J.A [Chairman] 1961 Centrex $35.00 More Details
  Some Principal Muslim Religous Buildings in Israel
Mayer, L.A. 1950 The goverment printer $43.75 More Details
  Neue Museen: Planung und Einrichtung
Brawne, Michael 1965 Arthur Niggli $70.00 More Details
Design and Construction of Silos and Bunkers
Safarian, Sargis; Harris, Ernest 1985 Van Nostrand Reinhold $280.00 More Details
El Croquis - architectural topology #139
various 2008 Croquis $400.00 More Details
  Industrialised Building: 50 International Methods
Diamant, R. M. E. 1964 Iliffe Books / The Architect & Building News $25.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 332) 

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