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Communism and Socialism

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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 111) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Le Drame Bourgeois en Allemagne au XVIIIme Siecle
Pinatel, Joseph 1938 Bosc Freres M. & L. Riou $22.00 More Details
  paintings and sculpture
Bruskin, Grisha 1990 Marlborough Gallery $20.00 More Details
  The "Polish Months": Communist-ruled Poland in Crisis"
Eisler, Jerzy / Giebultowski, Jerzy [Tran.] 2019 The Institute of National Remembrance $20.00 More Details
  Fritz Peretz Naphtali: A Social Democrat In Two Worlds [IN HEBREW]
Riemer, Yehuda 1996 Hassifria Haziyonit- World Zionist Organization $17.19 More Details
  Zur Planwirtschaft der Sowjetunion: Wollerzeugung und Wollbeschaffung im Wandel vom Kriegkommunismus zur Sozialistischen Rekonstruktion
Pozner, Ch. 1946 Paul Haupt $25.00 More Details
  Freud, Einstein, and Marx: The Influence of Judaism on their Work
Snyder, Douglas M. 1998 Tailor Press $20.00 More Details
  Das Kathe Kollwitz Werk
Kollwitz, Kathe / Bonus, Arthur [intro.] 1930 Carl Reissner $25.00 More Details
  In Harness: Yiddish Writers` Romance with Communism.
Estraikh, Gennady 2005 Syracuse $20.00 More Details
  A Childhood in Prison
Yakir, Pyotr / Conquest, Robert 1973 Coward, McCann & Geoghegan $20.00 More Details
Malraux, André / Spitzer, Walter [Lithographs] 1960 Imprimerie Nationale / Éditions Lidis $110.00 More Details
  The Palestine Communist Party 1919-1948 - Arab and Jew in the Struggle for Internationalism
Budeiri, Musa 2010 Haymarket Books $18.00 More Details
  The Histadrut from Workers` Society to Trade Union: Selected Essays on the Histadrut 1920-1994 [IN HEBREW]
Grony, Yosef ; Bareli, Avi ; Greenberg, Yitzhak [Eds.] 2000 The Ben-Gurion Research Center / Tel Aviv University / Ben-Gurion University of the Negev $26.56 More Details
  For This was I Born: The Human Conditions in USSR Slave Labor Camps [Over 5 [Five] Million Political Prisoners in the USSR Today]
Shymko, Yuri R. [Ed.] 1973 UCRAINCA Research Institute $65.00 More Details
  The Origins of the Russian-Jewish Labour Movement
Patkin, A. L. 1947 F. W. Cheshire $20.00 More Details
  Jewish Socialist Movements 1871-1917 While Messiah Tarried.
Levin, Nora 1978 Routledge & Kegan Paul $20.00 More Details
  Judaism and Christianity Under the Impact of National Socialism 1919-1945
Kulka, Otto Dov ; Mendes-Flohr, Paul R. [Eds.] 1987 The Zalman Shazar Center / The Historical Society Of Israel $25.00 More Details
  Jewish Socialism and the Jewish Labor Movement in the 19th Century [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH].
Mishkinsky, M. [Ed.] 1975 The Zalman Shazar Center / The Historical Society of Israel $14.06 More Details
  From Leningrad to Jerusalem: The Gulag Way - Hijacking Plot and Trial
Butman, Hillel / Hoffman, Stefani [Stephanie] [Tr.] / Talpers, Carol [Ed.] 1990 Benmir Books $20.00 More Details
  Die Krise: die Antwort der Unternehmer - unsere Antwort.
1975 Veritas $30.00 More Details
  Gray Dawn: The Jews of Eastern Europe in the Post-Communist Era.
Hoffman, Charles 1992 HarperCollins $25.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 111) 

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