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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 366) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Midoth Umishkaloth Shel Torah (Torah Metrology): Concerning the Jewish metrological and monetary units as well as units of other nations used in Rabbinical writing as parameters to Jewish units [IN HEBREW].
Weiss, Y. G. 1984 Moznaim $37.50 More Details
  Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology - Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of Edinburgh During the Session 1927-28.
Whitehead, Alfred North / Griffin, David Ray ; Sherburne, Donald W. [Eds.] 1978 The Free Press / Collier Macmillan $20.00 More Details
  In The Beginning: Biblical Creation and Science
Aviezer, Nathan 1990 Ktav $20.00 More Details
  Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion
Roberts, Thomas B. [Ed.] 2001 Council on Spiritual Practice $22.00 More Details
  Conscious Experience
Metzinger, Thomas 1995 Imprint Academic $35.00 More Details
  Methods in Cognitive Linguistics.
Gonzalez-Marquez, Monica; Mittelberg, Irene; Coulson, Seana; Spivey, Michael J. [ed.] 2007 John Benjamins $20.00 More Details
  On Population
Malthus, Thomas Robert 1960 Random House $15.00 More Details
  As Much as We Could Do: The Contributions made by the Hebrew University and Jewish Doctors and Scientists From Palestine During and After the Second World War
Ashbel, Rivka / Harris, Lucien [Trans.] 1989 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
  Not for Profit: The Business of Academic Scientific Research
Mirelman, David Ofir Bikurim $18.00 More Details
  Moses Ben Maimon: Sein Leben, Seine Werke und Sein Einfluss: Zur Erinnerung an den Siebenhundertsten Todestag des Maimonides - Band II [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Guttmann, J. [Ed.] 1914 Gustav Fock G.m.b.H. $30.00 More Details
  Reaching for the Stars: From Atoms to Black Holes [IN HEBREW].
Dothan, Felix 2002 The Hebrew University Magnes Press $14.06 More Details
  The Variation of Animals in Nature
Robson, Guy Coburn; Richards, Owain Westmacott 1936 Longmans, Green and Co. $30.00 More Details
  Erkenntnis und Irrtum: Skizzen zur Psychologie der Forschung
Mach, Ernst 1905 Johann Ambrosius Barth $28.00 More Details
  Histoire Naturelle de Pline: Tome Premier [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Pline [Pliny the Elder] / Littre, M. E. [Trans.] 1848 J. J. Dubochet, Le Chev et Comp $40.00 More Details
  Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Quasicrystals: Yamada Conference XLVII.
Takeuchi, S. ; Fujiwara, T. [Eds.] 1998 World Scientific $65.00 More Details
  Generalized Thermodynamics: Its Philosophy and Rationale.
Finck, Joseph Louis 1974 Jerusalem Academic Press $20.00 More Details
  Bones and Verdure: An Appreciation of Science in Biblical Expressions
Macht, David Israel 1943 H. G. Roebuck and Son $42.00 More Details
  Animal Achievement: A Unifying Theory of Zoology
Por, F. D. 1994 Balaban $20.00 More Details
  Discontinuous Groups and Automorphic Functions.
Lehner, Joseph 1964 American Mathematical Society $35.00 More Details
  Science and Scholarship in the Negev: The Story of Ben-Gurion University in the Negev - Volume I - The Founders [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Gardus, Yehuda ; Nevo, Issac [Ed.] 2014 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press $20.31 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 366) 

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