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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 368) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  On Justice: Essays on Morals and Law [IN HEBREW]
Perelman, Chaim / Ur, Joseph [Trans.] 1981 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $17.19 More Details
  The Jewish Law Annual: Volume Six [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Jackson, Bernard S. [Ed.] 1987 The Institute of Jewish Law - Boston University School of Law / Hardwood Academic Publishers $20.00 More Details
  Jewish Jurisprudence: Its Sources and Modern Applications [TWO VOLUME SET]
Quint, Emanuel B. ; Hecht, Neil S. 1980 / 1986 The Institute of Jewish Law - Boston University School of Law / Hardwood Academic Publishers $48.00 More Details
  The Jewish Law Annual: Volume Eight [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Jackson, Bernard S. [Ed.] 1989 The Institute of Jewish Law - Boston University School of Law / Hardwood Academic Publishers $20.00 More Details
  Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des Canonischen Rechts von Gratian bis auf die Gegenwart [FOUR VOLUMES IN TWO]
Von Schulte, Friedrich 1880 Ferdinand Enke $150.00 More Details
  Jewish Law: History, Sources, Principles - Volume I - Parts I-II [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Elon, Menachem 1978 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
  The Hittite Laws
Neufeld, E. [Ephraim] [Trans., Ed.] 1951 Luzac & Co. $30.00 More Details
Ravitzky, Aviezer ; Stern, Yedidia Z. [Ed.] 2007 The Israel Democracy Institute $14.06 More Details
  Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals: Volume I [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
1947 United Nations War Crimes Commission $75.00 More Details
  John Demjanjuk: The Real Story
Mcdonald, Jim 1990 Amanda Books $20.00 More Details
  Trial of Adolf Eichmann: Opening Address by the Attorney-General Mr. Gideon Hausner - delivered 17-18 April 1961
Hausner, Gideon 1961 The Jerusalem Post $22.00 More Details
  Studies in Israel Law [IN HEBREW].
Tedeschi, G. M. Newman $37.50 More Details
  Orientalisches Recht.
Seidl, E.; Korosec, V.; Pritsch, E.; Spies, O.; Tyan, E.; Baz, J.; Chehata, Ch.; Samaran, Ch; Roussier, J.; Lapanne-Joinville, J. 1964 E. J. Brill $24.00 More Details
  Freedom of the Press - Between Myth and Reality [IN HEBREW].
Segal, Zeev 1996 Papyrus - Tel Aviv University $14.06 More Details
  The Legal and Zionist Tradition of Louis D. Brandeis: Lectures Delivered at a Conference Commemorating the Sixtieth Anniversary of His Passing [IN HEBREW].
Gal, Allon [Ed.] 2005 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $17.19 More Details
  Le Droit Prive des Maronites Au Temps des Emirs Chihab (1697-1841): d`Apres des Documents Inedits - Essai Historique et Critique.
Aouad, Ibrahim 1933 Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner $150.00 More Details
  6,000,000 [Six Million] Accusers: Israel`s Case Against Eichmann - The Opening Speach and Legal Argument of Mr. Gideon Hausner, Attorney-General
Rosenne, Shabtai [Trans. / Ed.] 1961 The Jerusalem Post $15.00 More Details
  The Hedaya, or Guide: A Commentary on the Mussulman Laws - Second Edition
Hamilton, Charles [Trans.] / Grove Grady, Standish [Preface, Index] 1957 New Book Company / Premier Book House $45.00 More Details
  Le Defenseur de la Paix.
Quillet, Jeannine [Trans. / Ed.] 1968 Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin $40.00 More Details
  Company Shareholders: Causes of Action and Remedies [IN HEBREW]
Cohen, Zipora 1990 $29.69 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 368) 

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