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Showing books 81 to 100 (of 162) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  World Over: A Magazine for Jewish Boys and Girls (November 1944 - May 1945) [12 MAGAZINES IN ONE VOLUME].
Pessin, Deborah [Ed.] 1944 / 1945 The Jewish Education Committee of New York $30.00 More Details
  The Wishing Horse of Oz
Plumly Thompson, Ruth / Neil, John R. [Illu.] 1990 The International Wizard of Oz Club $20.00 More Details
  Mickey et le Collier de la Reine.
Walt Disney 1971 Walt Disney \ Hachette $18.00 More Details
  Haggada di Pesach: secondo il rito Italiano, con le principali varianti dei riti tedesco e spagnolo - con "Haggada per Bambini"
Bonfil, Roberto 1962 Editrice Fondazione Sally Mayer $45.00 More Details
  Ha-Yeled be-Erets Yisrael [The Child in Eretz-Israel] [IN HEBREW]
Meisl, Gitel [Mayzl; Mayzil; Majzil; Meisel; Gitl; Gittel] 1935 Published by Author $75.00 More Details
  A Pop-up guide: Planet Earth - Volcanoes / Earthquakes / Mountains and the Mighty Forces that Shape Our World
Vita-Finzi, Claudio / Jacobs, Phil [Illustrations] 1989 Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers $15.00 More Details
  Die Zwölf Handwerker.
Trojan, Johannes [Ed.] / Hey, Paul [Illustrations] 1910 Neufeld & Henius $30.00 More Details
Watson, Jennifer / Watson, Lyall [Illustrator] 1969 Muira Enterprise $25.00 More Details
  Ku-Ku! Jen po Mne Vztahnete Ruku!
Lada, Josef 1972 Albatros $20.00 More Details
  Le mont aux Pierreries: Contes et Légendes d`U.R.S.S.
Mazzi, Antoinette [Tr.] ND Editions du Progrès $20.00 More Details
  Children`s Drawings From China: 1955
1955 Foreign Languages Press $35.00 More Details
  Onkel Doktor erzahlt Marchen [erzählt Märchen].
Mosbacher, E. [Eduard] / Hartogh, R. Fr. [Rudolf Franz] [Illustr.] ND [1920s?] Verlagsanstalt Hermann Klemm $30.00 More Details
  Reise des jungen Anacharsis durch Griechenland [VOLUMES 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 ONLY].
Barthelemy, Jean-Jacques 1802 Franz Haas $95.00 More Details
  Unter Yankeles Vigele - Cradle Songs in Yiddish [IN YIDDISH WITH ENGLISH AND HEBREW INTRODUCTIONS].
Katz, Benjamin ; Kopstein, Bracha [Eds.] 1976 Shalom $29.69 More Details
  Die Reiche Israel und Juda - Geschichten der Bibel.
Prinz, Joachim 1935 Erich Reiss Verlag $20.00 More Details
  Säcke, Kisten und Farben.
Haeubi, Hanna 1928 Paul Haupt $20.00 More Details
  Die Welt in Bildern - Orbis pictus : Bilderbuch zur Anschauung und Belehrung [3 VOLUME SET].
Lauckhard, C. F. [Carl Friedrich] [Ed.] ND [ca.1870] Ernst Julius Günther $390.00 More Details
  Des Freih. v. [Freiherr von] Münchhausen wunderbare Reisen und Abenteuer zu Wasser und zu Lande
Raspe, R. E. [Rudolf Erich] / Bürger, G. A. [Gottfried August] [Tr.] 1869 In der Dieterich`schen Buchhandlung $30.00 More Details
Chestnut Squirrel
Commager, Henry Steele / Weil, Lisl [Illustr.] 1952 Houghton Mifflin Company / The Riverside Press $340.00 More Details
  Lieder der Reiterbuben.
Gollhardt, Walter [Ed.] 1931 Das junge Volk Günther Wolff zu Plauen $15.00 More Details

Showing books 81 to 100 (of 162) 

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