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Showing books 101 to 120 (of 162) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Veselé Obrázkyy Lady
Lada, Josef 1981 Albatros $15.00 More Details
Varila Myska Kasicku
Zmatlikova, Helena 1961 Albatros $15.00 More Details
Jedna, Dve, Honza, Jde, Nese Pytel Mouky, Mama se Raduje, Ze Bude Pect Vdolky
Lada, Josef 1985 Albatros $15.00 More Details
  Das doppelte Lottchen.
Kästner, Erich / Trier, Walter [Illus.] 1949 Carl Ueberreuter $25.00 More Details
Kniha Pohadek
Kubin, Jos S. / Lada, Josef [Ilustr.] 1968 Albatros $30.00 More Details
Bibbia per la Gioventu o sia Compendio della Storia dell`Antico e Nuovo Testamento - Volume II (Libro Quarto & Libro Quinto) [VOLUME 2 ONLY].
Rossi, Luigi 1817 Presso gli Editori Batelli & Fanfani ed i librai A. F. Stella e Comp. $80.00 More Details
  Les Fables de Jean-Pierre-Ciaris de Florian.
de Florian, Jean-Pierre-Ciaris / Vimar, A. [Illu.] Henri Laurens $45.00 More Details
  Virtue by Design: Illustrated Chinese Children`s Books from the Cotsen Children`s Library
Nakamoto, Steve; Cohn, Don 2000 Cotsen Occasional Press $25.00 More Details
  Die Wichtel im Walde.
Wittig, Karl 1958 Dr. Herbert Schulze Buch- und Kunstverlag $50.00 More Details
  Negermärchen aus Imanas Landen [Negermaerchen]
Gelber, Adolf / Leskoschek, Axel [Illustr.] 1921 Rikola Verlag $25.00 More Details
  Ha-Yeled be-Erets Yisrael [The Child in Eretz-Israel] [IN HEBREW] [17 PAGES MISSING]
Meisl, Gitel [Mayzl; Mayzil; Majzil; Meisel; Gitl; Gittel] 1935 Published by Author $45.00 More Details
  La Pomme des Bois: Contes Populaires Russes.
Boulatov, M. [Ed.] 1990 Editions Radouga $30.00 More Details
Children of the World Illustrate the Bible : Selection of Finalists of the "Children of the World Illustrate the Bible" Competition
Ekroni, Aviv ; Kesseh, Zvi ; Rolnik, Amos [Ed.] 2000 Mallmedia, Publishing House \ Rolnik Publishers, Something Different $29.69 More Details
  Die Geschichten der Bibel.
Prinz, Joachim / Wallenberg, Heinz [Illustrations] 1934 Erich Reiss Verlag $20.00 More Details
A Trip Through the Holyland [Holy Land] [RARE]
Raffy [Ed.] / Arie, M. [Illustrator] ND E. Zelkovitz $30.00 More Details
Alle Tierfabeln: Aus Karl Wilhelm Ramlers Fabellese, Leipzig 1783.
Ramler, Karl Wilhelm / Gaul, August [Illus.] ND [Ca. 1920] Paul Cassirer $30.00 More Details
  Das doppelte Lottchen.
Kästner, Erich / Trier, Walter [Illust.] 1952 Atrium $25.00 More Details
Rhymes for Liki and Jonathan [IN HEBREW]
Dayan, Moshe 1986 Domino $20.31 More Details
  Drei Legenden.
Buber, Martin / Cohn, H. H. / Klötzel, Ch. Z. 1920 Jüdischer Verlag $20.00 More Details
Bialik, Hayim-Nahmane / Pinès, Fanny [Translation] / Hyman, Eileen [Illustartions] 1960 Département de la Jeunesse et du Héhalouts de l`Organisation Sioniste Mondiale $25.00 More Details

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