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Showing books 61 to 80 (of 280) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Adapting Chekhov: The Text and its Mutations
Clayton, Douglas ; Meerzon, Yana [Ed.] 2013 Routledge $30.00 More Details
  Women in Modern Drama: Freud, Feminism, and European Theater at the Turn of the Century
Finney, Gail 1989 Cornell University Press $20.00 More Details
  Operette Unterm Hakenkreuz: Zwischen Hoffahiger Kust und "Entartung" - Beitrage Einer Tagung der Staatsoperette Dresden
Schaller, Wolfgang [Ed.] 2007 Metropol $20.00 More Details
Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang / Taylor, Bayard [Trans.] Grosset & Dunlap $25.00 More Details
  Tmar Robbins (1899-1984): Actress - "Habimah" [IN HEBREW].
1986 National Union Of Actors And Directors Histadrut $14.06 More Details
  Sophoclis Tragoediael: Editio Secunda - Vol. I. - Antigona [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Sophoclis [Sophocles] / Erfurdt, Car. Gottlob Aug. [Carl August] [Ed.] / Hermanni, Godofredi [Annotations] 1823 Gerhardum Fleischerum $25.00 More Details
  Theatre under the Nuzis
London, John [Ed.] 2000 Manchester University Press $20.00 More Details
  Shakespeare and Rome.
Holland, Peter ; Smith, Emma [Eds.] 2016 Cambridge University Press $25.00 More Details
  Hebrew / Hebraique Theatre [IN HEBREW].
Merom, Peter 1965 Sifriat Maariv $14.06 More Details
  The Glory of Sinai: The Dramatic Works of Matityahu Nissim (Donato) Terni [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Terni, Matityahu Nissim (Donato) / Bergman, Dvora [Ed. / Introduction / Notes] 2003 Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East / Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / The Hebrew University $15.00 More Details
  Guerre Dans Le Neguev: Piece En Trois Actes Et Six Tableaux
Mossinsohn, Igal / Pines, Fanny [Trans.] 1952 Organistion Sioniste Mondiale $20.00 More Details
  Shakespeare and Appropriation
Desmet, Christy; Sawyer, Robert [Ed.] 1999 Routledge $18.00 More Details
  Shakespeare and Modernity: Early Modern to Millennium
Grady, Hugh [Ed.] 2000 Routledge $18.00 More Details
  Shakespeare Without Women: Representing Gender and Race on the Renaissance Stage
Callaghan, Dympna [Ed.] 2000 Routledge $18.00 More Details
  Shakespeare in the Present
Hawkes, Terence [Ed.] 2002 Routledge $18.00 More Details
  La Lecon de Pretiosite: Suivie de - Les Precieuses Ridicules
Eger, Catherine [Composition, Text] / Moliere 1989 Imprimerie Commerciale $25.00 More Details
  Malay Shadow Puppets: The Wayang Siam of Kelantan
Sweeny, Amin 1972 The Trustees of the British Museum $15.00 More Details
  Transformations: Russian Avant-Garde Costume and Stage Design
Auzenberg, Nina 1991 Zionist Confederation House / The Department of Art History of the Hebrew University $20.31 More Details
  Theatre Complet de Musset: Preface, Chronologie, Notices et Releve de Variantes
De Musset, Alfred 1964 La Guilde du Livre $20.00 More Details
  Theatre Complet Des Latins comprenant Plaute Terence et Seneque le Tragique Aven la Traduction en Francais
Nisard, M. [Ed.] 1844 J.-J. Dubochet et Compagnie $65.00 More Details

Showing books 61 to 80 (of 280) 

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