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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 447) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Odyssey Of The Third Temple
Ariel, Yisrael / Richman, Chaim [Trans.] G. Israel Publications & Production / The Temple Institute $25.00 More Details
  City Of Hope: Jerusalem from Biblical to Modern Times [IN HEBREW]
Naor, Mordecai 1995 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi / Yedioth Ahronoth - Chemed Books $20.31 More Details
  The Excavations In The Old City of Jerusalem Near The Temple Mount: Perliminary Report of the Second and Third Seasons 1969-1970 by B.Mazar. The Omayyad Structures Near the Temple Mount by M. Ben-Dov
Mazar, B. / Ben-Dov, M. 1971 Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University / Israel Exploration Society $25.00 More Details
  Walks In And Around Jerusalem
Hanauer, J. E. 1926 Society`s House $20.00 More Details
  Poems of Jerusalem: A Bilingual Edition [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Amichai, Yehuda 1988 Harper & Row $20.31 More Details
  Jerusalem Personalities and Their deeds. [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED]
Elhanani, A.H. 1978 Rubin Mass $14.06 More Details
  The Shrine of the Book ; Le Sanctuaire du Livre ; Der Schrein des Buches
Broshi, Magen [Curator] 1991 The Israel Museum $37.50 More Details
  Jerusalem is Called Liberty
Lever, Walter 1951 Massadah Publishing co. $38.00 More Details
  Gurardian of Jerusalem: the Life and Times of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld.
Zalman Sonnenfeld, Shlomo 1983 Mesorah Publications $25.00 More Details
Roman, Yadin [Research, writing] 2007 Dan Hotels $29.69 More Details
  The Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem 1968-1978 Directed by Benjamin Mazar: Final Reports Volume II: The Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods.
Mazar, Eilat 2003 The Institue of Archaeology / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $35.00 More Details
  Jews in the Moslem Religious Court: Society, Economy and Communal Organization in the XVIth Century - Documents from Ottoman Jerusalem [IN HEBREW]
Cohen, Amnon; Simon-Pikali, Elisheva 1993 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
  Jews in the Moslem Religious Court: Society, Economy and Communal Organization in the XVIII Century - Documents from Ottoman Jerusalem [IN HEBREW]
Cohen, Amnon; Simon-Pikali, Elisheva; Salama, Ovadia 1996 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
  The Village of Silwan: The Necropolis From the Period of the Judean ingdom
Ussishkin, David 1993 Israel exploration society / Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $40.00 More Details
  Anna Ticho - Drawings and Watercolours
Cohen, Elisheva 1959 Bezalel National Museum $14.06 More Details
  Outremer: Studies in the History of the Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem - Presented to Joshua Prawer
Kedar, B. Z. ; Mayer, H. E. ; Smail, R. C. [Ed.] 1982 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Institute $56.25 More Details
  For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem
Henty, G. A. 2002 Robinson Books $20.00 More Details
  The Jewish Sephardic House in the Old City of Jerusalem [IN HEBREW]
Yehoshua, Jacob 1976 Rubin Mass $23.44 More Details
  The Land of Light and Promise: 50 Years Painting Jerusalem and Beyond - Ludwig Blum 1891-1974
Manor, Dalia [Curator] 2011 Ben Uri Gallery - The London Jewish Museum of Art $35.00 More Details
  Jerusalem Planning and Development 1979-1982
Kroyanker, David 1982 The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for the Jerusalem Committee $37.50 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 447) 

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