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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 447) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Kroyanker, David; Wyman, Naomi; Nehemia, Paul 1978 Jerusalem Municipality $20.31 More Details
  The Writings of David Yellin in Seven Volumes: Volume One - The Jerusalem of Yesterday (Letters from Jerusalem to "Hamelitz", 1896-1904) [THIS VOLUME ONLY][IN HEBREW]
Yellin, David 1972 Rubin Mass / Committee for Republication of David Yellin`s Writings $29.69 More Details
Planning Jerusalem: The Old City and Its Environs
Sharon, Arieh Weidenfeld and Nicolson $56.25 More Details
  Midrash Yerushalem: A Metaphysical History of Jerusalem
Sperber, Daniel / Pauker, Fred [Calligraphy] 1983 The World Zionist Organization - Department for Torah Education and Culture in the Diaspora $20.00 More Details
  The Making of City Hall Complex, Jerusalem [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH AND ARABIC INTRODUCTION]
Kroyanker, David 1993 Ariel $29.69 More Details
  To Live In Jerusalem: Special Edition Issued At The Annual Dinner Of Ezrath Nashim - Sarah Herzog Memorial Hospital In Tribute To Renee Lauffer
Gonen, Rivka ; Kroyanker, David 1993 The Israel Museum $45.00 More Details
  Divided Cities In Transition: Challenges Facing Jerusalem and Berlin.
Auga, Michele ; Nasrallah, Rami ; Hasson, Shlomo ; Stetter, Stephan [Ed.] 2005 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung \ International Peace and Cooperation Center \ Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies $45.00 More Details
  Jerusalem: Conflict & Cooperation in a Contested City
Adelman, Madelaine ; Fendius Elman, Miriam [Ed.] 2014 Syracuse University Press $20.00 More Details
  The Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem 1968-1978 Directed by Benjamin Mazar: Final Reports Volume III - The Byzantine Period.
Mazar, Eilat 2007 The Institute of Archeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $30.00 More Details
  The Early Islamic Monuments of Al-Haram Al-Sharif: An Iconographic Study.
Rosen-Ayalon, Myriam 1989 The Institute of Archeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $25.00 More Details
  Jerusalem and the British Mandate: Interaction and Legacy [IN HEBREW]
Ben-Arieh, Yehoshua 2003 Mishkenot Sha`ananim / Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $17.19 More Details
  Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985 Directed by Yigal Shiloh, Volume III: Stratigraphical, Environmental and Other Reports [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
De Groot, Alon; Ariel, Donald T. [Ed.] 1992 The Institute of Archeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $30.00 More Details
  Jerusalem in The Times of The Great Revolt. [IN HEBREW]
Bear, Y. 1971 "Zion", Quarterly for Research in Jewish History $12.50 More Details
  The City of David Water Systems: Supplement to Jerusalem`s Water Supply from the 18th Century BCE to the Present
Abells, Zvi ; Arbit, Asher 1994 Privately published $20.00 More Details
  Geschichte des Judischen Krieges
Flavius, Josephus \ Clementz, Heinrich [Trans.] 1923 Benjamin Harz $30.00 More Details
  Rom und Jerusalem die Letzte Nationalitatsfrage: Zweite Unveranderte Auflage - Mit Einem Bilde des Verfassersund und Einer Vorrede von Dr. Bodenheimer
Hess, M. [Moses] [Text and Notes] 1899 M. W. Kaufmann $120.00 More Details
  Where Heaven and Earth Meet: Jerusalem`s Sacred Esplande
Grabar, Oleg ; Kedar, Benjamin Z. [Ed.] 2009 Yad Ben-Zvi Press / The University of Texas $75.00 More Details
  Archaeological Discoveries in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem: Second Temple Period
Avigad, N [Nachman] 1976 The Israel Exploration Society $15.00 More Details
  The Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem: Preliminary Report of the First Season, 1968/The Latin Inscription from the Excavations in Jerusalem
Mazar, B.; Avi-Yonah, M. / Grafman, R. [Trans.] 1969 The Israel Exploration Society $15.00 More Details
  A Proposal for the Project and the Conservation for the Temple and the Western Wall Area [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Fisher, David; Maestro, Roberto Daniel; Sala, Marco; Cappelli, Enrico 1978 $20.31 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 447) 

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