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Biographies & Autobiographies

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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 779) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Maimonides: Eine Biographie [FIRST EDITION]
Heschel, Abraham 1935 Erich Reiss Verlag $48.00 More Details
Ben Gourion: Le Prophete Arme
Bar-Zohar, Michel 1966 Fayard $30.00 More Details
The Life And Works Of Moses Hayyim Luzzatto: Founder of Modern Hebrew Literature
Ginzburg, Simon 1931 The Dropsie College For Hebrew And Cognate Learning $30.00 More Details
  Dissenter In Zion: From the Writings of Judah L. Magnes
Magnes, Judah L. / Goren, Arthur A. [EDIT] 1982 Harvard University Press $120.00 More Details
  Whistling Girl: Candid Confession of a Chameleon
Lawrenson, Helen 1978 Doubleday & Company, INC. $45.00 More Details
  Safta`s Diaries: Intimate Diaries of a Religious Zionist Woman
Appleman, Bina / Aranoff Tuchman, Shera [Tr.] 2011 Ktav Publishing House $95.00 More Details
  The Life of Glückel of Hameln: Written By Herself
Abrahams, Beth-Zion [TRANSLATION AND EDITING] 1963 Thomas Yoseloff $25.00 More Details
  The Mayor and the Citadel: Teddy Kollek and Jerusalem
Shepherd, Naomi 1987 Weidenfeld & Nicholson $25.00 More Details
  A Chronicle Of Hardship And Hope: An Autobiographical Account
Rabbi Heller, Yom Tov Lipmann; Rabbi Heller, Shmuel \ Rabbi Finkel, Avraham Yaakov [Intro.] 1991 C.I.S. Publishers $85.00 More Details
  I. L. Perec
Nomberg, H. D. 1946 Unión Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $35.00 More Details
  A Welt Wos Iz Farbai (Un Mundo Que Desaparecio)
Dr. Shoskies, H. 1949 Unión Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $30.00 More Details
  Momentn Fun A Lebn (Episodios de Una Vida)
Almi, A. 1948 Unión Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $35.00 More Details
  Many Days [SIGNED] [IN HEBREW]
Hareven, Shulamit 2002 $17.19 More Details
  Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought: Volume One: 1932-1975 [VOL. 1 ONLY]
Kahane, Libby 2008 Institute For the Publication of The Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane $35.00 More Details
  My Father, His Daughter [SIGNED]
Dayan, Yael 1985 Steimatzky $20.00 More Details
  Francesco Petrarca: Brief an die Nachwelt Gesprache uber die Weltverachtung. Von seiner und vieler leute Unwissenheit
Petrarca, Francesco / Hefele, Hermann [TRANSLATION] 1910 E. Diederichs $30.00 More Details
  Heal Us, O Lord: A Chaplain`s Interface with Pain
Rabbi PH.D Goldstein Sidney 2017 Urim Publications / KTAV Publishing $20.00 More Details
  The Prince and the Prophet
Duvernoy, Claude / Joffe, Jack [Trans.] 1973 Land of Promise Productions $30.00 More Details
  The Letters Of Jonathan Netanyahu: The Commander Of The Entebbe Rescue Force
Netanyahu, Jonathan [Yoni] \ Wouk, Herman [Introduction] \ Netanyahu, Benjamin ; Netanyahu, Iddo [Foreword and Afterword] 2001 Gefen $35.00 More Details
  From Christianity to Judaism: The Story of Isaac Orobio de Castro.
Kaplan, Yosef / Loewe, Raphael [Trans.] 1989 Oxford University Press $25.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 779) 

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