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Showing books 761 to 779 (of 779) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Graven Image
Farleigh, John 1940 MacMillan & Co $50.00 More Details
  Lichtenbergs Mädchen: Mit zwölf ungedruckten Briefen Lichtenbergs, seinem Porträt in Mezzotinto-Gravüre, Faksimilie eines Gedichts, einer Abbildung des Weender Thors zu Göttingen usw.
Ebstein, Erich [Ed.] 1907 Süddeutsche Monatshefte $20.00 More Details
Es ist ein Weinen in der Welt
Schultz, Hans Jürgen (ed.) 1990 Quell $20.00 More Details
The Prime Minister Speaks: Adresses by Itzhak Shamir in the Years 1983-1990(IN HEBREW)
Shamir, I\Ahimeir, Y\Krost, Y\Ocon, S $20.31 More Details
  Encyclopedia of the sages of Eretz Israel: Vol. 1 [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Gelis, Jacob 1974 The Jerusalem research institute / Rav Kook $15.00 More Details
Von Poschinger, Heinrich 1898 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt $20.00 More Details
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdys Briefwechsel mit Legationsrat Karl Klingemann in London
Klingemann, Karl (ed.) 1909 G. D. Baedeker $55.00 More Details
  Keiserinde Augusta.
Tschudi, Clara 1892 Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag (F. Hegel & Son) $15.00 More Details
Mesa, R. ND Hispano-Americana $25.00 More Details
Wystan and Chester
Clark, Thekla 1995 Columbia University Press $30.00 More Details
Hilda`s Diary 1926-1940: Hopes & Expectations realised in the Promised Land
1997 $38.00 More Details
Profiles in Courage
Kennedy, John F. 1964 International Collectors Library $55.00 More Details
Mark Twain Pilgrim from Hannibal
Pellowe, William C. S. 1945 Hobson $25.00 More Details
Quiero a Mexico
Shein, Max 2000 $65.00 More Details
  Hitler`s Weltanschauung : A Blueprint for Power.
Jackel, Eberhard / Arnorld, Herbert [Trans.] 1972 Wesleyan University Press $15.00 More Details
The 1954 Templar
1954 Temple University $48.00 More Details
1988 IDG $30.00 More Details
Or Ha-Hayyim: The Sages of Israel and Their Literary Works [IN HEBREW]
Micahel, Hayyim 1965 mossad harav kook $29.69 More Details
The Heroic Struggle: The Arrest and Liberation of Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn of Lubavitch in Soviet Russia [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR]
Metzger, Alter B. Z. [trans. and adapted] 1999 Kehot $30.00 More Details

Showing books 761 to 779 (of 779) 

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