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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 376) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Judisches Volksburgertum und Europaisches Staatsburgertum: Neun Normen uber die Stellung des Zionisten zum Staatsleben
De Jonge, Moritz 1905 Hugo Schildberger $18.00 More Details
  Lebens-Fragen: Vom Glauben zum Denken, vom Staatenstreit zum Völkerfrieden, von Unkultur zur Menschlichkeit, von Liebe zu Liebe, vom Werden zum Sterben
Manasse, Waldeck Otto Roth $55.00 More Details
  Truman and the American Commitment to Israel: A Thirtieth Anniversary Conference
Weinstein, Allen ; Ma`oz, Moshe [Ed.] 1981 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $18.00 More Details
  Grandeur et Decadence des Romains: Politique des Romains Dialogue de Sylla et d`Eucrate Lysimaque et Pensees - Lettres Persanes et Temple de Gnide - Et Oeuvres Choisies
Monterquieu [de Secondat, Charles Louis] 1860 Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie $18.00 More Details
  Political Factions in Aleppo, 1760-1826.
Bodman Jr., Herbert L. 1963 University of North Carolina Press $65.00 More Details
  Parliaments and Parties in Egypt
Landau, Jacob M. 1953 Israel Publishing House / Israeli Oriental Society $18.00 More Details
  La Presse Libanaise: Expression du LIban Politique et Confessionnel et Forum des Pays Arabes.
Moussallem, Anis 1977 Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence $28.00 More Details
  Jordan: A Study in Political development (1921-1965)
Aruri, Naseer H. 1972 Martinus Nijhoff $20.00 More Details
  State and Community [IN HEBREW]
Naor, Moshe [Ed.] 2004 The Magness Press, The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
  The Parliamentary Election of Lebanon, 1968.
Zuwiyya, Jalal 1972 E. J. Brill $25.00 More Details
  The Herzl Paradox: Political, Social and Economic Theories of a Realist
Adler, Joseph 1962 Hadrian Press \ Herzl Press $20.00 More Details
  Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder.
Nitzan, Jonathan ; Bichler, Shimshon 2009 Routledge $25.00 More Details
  Christianity`s Impact on World Politics: Not by Might, Nor by Power.
Jefferson, Kurt W. 2002 Peter Lang $25.00 More Details
  The French Right: (From de Maistre to Maurras).
McClelland, J. S. [Ed., Intro.] / Frears, John [Trans.] 1970 Harper & Row $18.00 More Details
  An Analysis of serbian Propaganda: The Misrepresentation of the Writings of the Historian Franjo Tudjman in Light of the Serbian-Croatian War
Knezevic, Anto 1992 Domovina TT Zagreb $20.00 More Details
  Strengthening Religious Tolerance for a Secure Civil Society in Albania and the Southern Balkans
Pettifer, James ; Nazarko, Mentor [Ed.] 2007 IOS Press $65.00 More Details
  Documents on the Foreign Policy of Israel: Volume I - 14 May - 30 September 1948 - Compaion Volume [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Freundlich, Yehoshua [Ed.] 1981 State of Israel - Israel State Archives $25.00 More Details
  Histoire de La Pensee Politique Medievale: 350-1450
Burns, James Henderson / Menard, Jacques [Trans.] 1993 Presses Universitaires de France $95.00 More Details
  Handbuch der Urkundenlehre: Fur Deutschland und Italien - Zweiter Band [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Bresslau, Harry 1931 Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co. $35.00 More Details
  Anwar Sadat: Visionary who Dared
Finklestone, Joseph 1996 Frank Cass $20.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 376) 

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