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Showing books 61 to 80 (of 161) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Hebrew-Arabic Proverbs
Sagiv, David ; Landau, Jacob M. 1998 Schocken $29.69 More Details
  The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night [FOUR VOLUME SET].
Mardrus, J. C. ; Mathers, Powys [Tr.] 1947 George Routledge & Sons $48.00 More Details
  Essays on Jewish Folklore and Comparative Literature
Scheiber, Alexander 1985 Akademiai Kiado $20.00 More Details
  Peoples of the Caucasus: The Circassians, a Handbook.
Jaimoukha, Amjad 2001 Curzon $35.00 More Details
  L`Esprit du Mellah: humour et folklore des juifs du Maroc
Tolédano, Joseph 1986 Ramtol $75.00 More Details
  The Wise Men of Helm and their Merry Tales
Simon, Solomon / Fischel, Lillian [Illustr.] 1955 Behrman House $20.31 More Details
  L`enfant prodigue et d`autres paraboles
Derrick, Thomas [Illustr.] 1943 Gessler Publishing Company $95.00 More Details
  The Masada Myth: Collective Memory and Mythmaking in Israel.
Ben-Yehuda, Nachman 1995 The University of Wisconsin Press $15.00 More Details
  All`s Well That Ends Well: A Diictionary Of Proverbs - English, Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew / Vse Horosho Shto Horosho Konchayetsa: Sbornik Poslovitz- Angliskii, Russkii, Idish, Ivrit
Guri, Y. 1993 Tarbut $14.06 More Details
  Jerusalem: Historic Sites in Source and Tradition Throughout the Ages [IN HEBREW]
Kashani, Reuben 1968 Bamaaracha $14.06 More Details
  Trajes Y Costumbres: Estampas Castellano-Leonesas del Siglo XIX
Casado Lobato, Concha 1988 Ediciones Leonesas $34.00 More Details
  Edoth ("Communities"): A Quarterly for Folklore and Ethnology - Volume II Numbers 3-4, April-July 1947 [IN HEBREW].
Patai, Raphael ; Rivlin, Joseph J. [Eds.] 1946 / 1947 The Palestine Institute of Folklore and Ethnology $20.31 More Details
  A Contextual Dictionary of Idioms: Arabic-Arabic
Sieny, Mahmoud E. ; Hussein, Mokhtar A. ; Al-Doush, Sayyed A. A. 1996 Librairie du Liban $30.00 More Details
Magic and Folklore in Rabbinic Literature.
Sperber, Daniel 1994 Bar Ilan University Press $120.00 More Details
A Dictionary of Proverbs from the Folk Literature of Syria: Arabic-Arabic.
Kayyal, Mounir [Kayal, Munir] ND Librairie du Liban Publishers $85.00 More Details
A Dictionary of Proverbs: English-Arabic
Kilani, Taiseer / Ashour, Naim 1991 Librairie du Liban $85.00 More Details
  Israel - People and Land: Haaretz Museum Yearbook, Volume I (19) [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH SUMMARY]
Zeevy, Rechavam [Ed.] 1983 Haaretz Museum $20.31 More Details
  Sechs Bären-Brüder [6 Bärenbrüder]: Neues lustiges Teddybuch.
Siebe, Josephine / Kutzer, Ernst [Illustr.] ND [1920s] Levy & Müller $45.00 More Details
  The Father`s Will: Thirteen Folktales from Afghanistan Related by Rafael Yehoshua-Raz [IN HEBREW].
Yehoshua-Raz, Rafael ; Yehoshua, Ben-Zion / Kagan, Zipora [Intro.] 1969 Haifa Municipality / Ethnological Museum and Folklore Archives / Israel Folktale Archive $14.06 More Details
  Der Religionsdisput der Barlaam-Legende, ein Motiv abendländischer Dichtung (Untersuchung, Ungedruckte Texte, Bibliographie der Legende) [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Peri (Pflaum), Hiram 1959 Universidad de Salamanca $45.00 More Details

Showing books 61 to 80 (of 161) 

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