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Showing books 81 to 100 (of 161) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Touching Heaven Touching Earth: Hassidic Humor & Wit.
Avidor Hacohen, Shmuel [Ed.] 1976 Sadan $15.00 More Details
  To the Tombs of the Righteous: Pilgrimage in Contemporary Israel
Gonen, Rivka [Curator] 1998 The Israel Museum $35.00 More Details
  The First Photographs of Jerusalem: The New City [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Schiller, Ely [Ed.] 1979 Ariel $37.50 More Details
  Flavors and Delights of Yeruham [and]
Kantor Matarasso, Lea [Ed.] 2009 New Yeruham Foundation / Atid Bamidbar $14.06 More Details
  The First Photographs of Jerusalem [TWO VOLUME SET]
Schiller, Ely [Ed.] 1980 / 1979 Ariel $78.12 More Details
  The Jewish Wedding in Baghdad and its Filiations: Customs and Ceremonies, Documents and Songs, Costumes and Jewelry [SIGNED BY AUTHOR] [TWO VOLUME SET].
Avishur, Yitzhak 1990 / 1991 University of Haifa $37.50 More Details
  The Fellowship of Song: Popular Singing Traditions in East Suffolk.
Dunn, Ginette 1980 Croom Helm $20.00 More Details
  Hebräische Gedichte [BOOK ONE & TWO ONLY] [IN HEBREW].
Mandelkern, S. 1901 $29.69 More Details
  Studies in Our Country, Its Past and Remains [L`Heqer Artzenu - `Avar Us`ridim]: The Continuity of the Old Population, "`Aliyoth", Historical Topography, Archaeological Remains, Sacred Tombs and Folklore [IN HEBREW].
Braslvsky, Joseph 1954 Genreal Foundation of Jewish Labour in Israel / Hakibbutz Hameuhad $20.31 More Details
  Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs : Volume I [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH & YIDDISH].
Vinkovetzky, Aharon; Kovner, Abba; leichter, Sinai 1983 Mount Scopus Publication / The Magnes Press / The Magnes Press / Hebrew University $29.69 More Details
  Friendly Tunes for the Near East: A Music Text-Book.
Foley, Rolla 1942 Franciscan Printing Press $95.00 More Details
  el Gran Libro de las Alfombras de Oriente: Disenos, Motivos y Simbolos Tradicionales.
Ford, P.R.J. 1993 Edunsa $65.00 More Details
  Russian Folk Art - Folk Art: An Indivisible World [IN RUSSIAN].
Nekrasova, Maria 1983 Sovetskaya Rossia $20.00 More Details
Volksprediger, Moralisten und frommer Unsinn. Sebastian Brandt`s Narrenschiff mit Geiler`s von Kaiserberg Predigten darüber und Thomas Murner`s Schelmenzunft vollständig nach den alten Drucken und ihren bildlichen Darstellungen.
Scheible, J. [Johann] [Ed.] / Brandt, Sebastian; Murner, Thomas 1845 Verlag des Herausgebers / Theodor Thomas $120.00 More Details
  Das Märchen von Amor und Psyche in der Griechischen Volksüberlieferung (Aarne-Thompson 425, 428&432).
Megas, Georgios A. 1971 Academy of Athens $30.00 More Details
Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Sprach- und Sagenkunde von Max Grünbaum.
Grünbaum, Max / Perles, Felix [Ed.] 1901 Verlag von S. Calvary & Co. $150.00 More Details
  Hebrew-Arabic Proverbs [SIGNED BY JACOB M. LANDAU] [IN HEBREW].
Sagiv, David ; Landau, Jacob M. 1998 Schocken $37.50 More Details
  Let Me Tell You a Story [Ven te Kontare]: The Personal Narratives of Judeo-Spanish Speaking Storytelling Women - An Interdisciplinary Study [IN HEBREW]
Held, Michal 2009 Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East / Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem $17.19 More Details
  Racines: Judaisme - Tradition et Folklore des Juifs du Maroc / Roots: Judaism- Tradition and the Folklore of the Moroccan Jews [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH AND FRENCH]
Gabai, Moshe [Ed., Illu.] 1988 ND $29.69 More Details
  Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Jewish Studies - Volume IV [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Shinan, Avigdor [Ed.] 1973 World Union of Jewish Studies $56.25 More Details

Showing books 81 to 100 (of 161) 

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