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Hebrew, Semitic & Jewish Languages and Grammar

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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 785) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Sefer Ha-soham: Grammaticae Doctrinae Elementa et Vocum Thesaurum Contines
Klar, Beniamin 1946 Mekize Nirdamim $56.25 More Details
  Text and Language in Bible and Qumran
Goshen-Gottstein, M.H. 1960 Orient Publishing House $35.00 More Details
  Mizimrat Halashon: Essays in Language Education
Haskel-Shaham, Irit / Bursten, Ruth / Amir, Aliza / Atkin, Hila 2012 The Ministry of Education / The David Yellin College of Education / The Israeli Association For The Study of Language and Society $20.31 More Details
  The Principles of Samaritan Bible Exegesis
Lowy, S. 1977 Brill, E.J. $150.00 More Details
  The Dawn of Hebrew Linguistics: The Book of Elegance of the Language of the Hebrews [IN HEBREW] [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Gaon, Saadia / Dotan, Aron [INTRODUCTION, CRITICAL EDITION] 1997 World \union of Jewish Studies $26.56 More Details
  Studies in Yiddish Linguistics
Wexler, Paul 1990 Max Niemeyer $45.00 More Details
  Corpus Glossariorum Medii Aevi - Tomus Primus: Le Glossaire de Bale [2 VOLUME SET]
Banitt, Menahem [Ed.] 1972 Academie National des Sciences et des Lettres d`Israel $220.00 More Details
  Corpus Glossariorum Medii Aevi - Tomus Primus: Le Glossaire de Bale [2 VOLUME SET]
Banitt, Menahem [Ed.] 1972 Academie National des Sciences et des Lettres d`Israel $180.00 More Details
  Les Traditions de l`Hebreu des Communautes Juives du Sud-Ouest de la France [IN HEBREW WITH FRENCH FOREWORD] [TWO VOLUME SET]
Bar-Asher, Moshe 2006 Centre E. Ben Yehuda Pour la Recherche de la Language Hebraique, Universite Hebraique \ Institut Bialik $43.75 More Details
  Hebrew: The Eternal Language
Chomsky, William 1958 The Jewish Publication Society of America $30.00 More Details
  A New Concordance of the Bible [3 VOLUME SET] [IN HEBREW]
Even-Shoshan, Abraham [Ed.] 1977 / 1978 / 1980 Kiryat Sepher $56.25 More Details
  Hebraica Miscellanea Di Studi: In Onore Di Sergio J. Sierra Per Il Suo 75 Compleanno
Israel, F. ; Rabello, A. M. ; Somekh, A. M. 1998 Istituto Di Studi Ebraici \ Scuola Rabbinica S. H. Margulies - D. Disegni $45.00 More Details
Talking Straight: Dugri Speech in Israeli Sabra Culture
Katriel, Tamar 1986 Cambridge University Press $30.00 More Details
  Grammaire De L`Hebreu Biblique
Joun, P. Paul 1923 Institut Biblique Pontifical $28.00 More Details
  Hebrew The Eternal Language [IN HEBREW]
Chomsky, William 1977 Rubin Mass $14.06 More Details
  Speech machine as a language teacher - Hebrew spoken here : Hebrew voices from Nazi Germany: a testimony on spoken Hebrew and Jewish life in Palestine during the British mandate [IN HEBREW]
Izre`el, Shlomo [Ed.] \Eisler, Ejal Jakob; Izre`el, Shlomo [Curators] \ Izre`el, Oren [Photo.] 2012 The Haim Rubin Tel Aviv University Press $20.31 More Details
  A Grammar of Galilean Aramic [IN HEBREW]
Levias, Caspar / Sokoloff, Michael [INTRODUCTION] 1986 The Jewish Theological Seminary of America $20.31 More Details
  Hebrew For Theologians: A Textbook For the Study of Biblical Hebrew in Relation to Hebrew Thinking
Doukhan, Jacques B. 1993 University Press of America $35.00 More Details
  Ar-Rafed: Arabic-Arabic: A Thesaurus of Man and His Environment [IN ARABIC]
Al-Amir Al Nasiruddin, Nadim [EDITOR] 1971 Libraire du Liban $48.00 More Details
  Vivre en Hebreu: 490 Verbes dans 4000 Phrases [IN FRENCH AND HEBREW]
Elihai, Yohanan 1993 Kesset $14.06 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 785) 

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