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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 161) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Households: On the Moral Architecture of the Economy
Booth, William James 1993 Cornell University Press $25.00 More Details
  Are we still Jews?: Essays [IN HEBREW].
Simon, Akibah Ernst 1982 Sifriat Poalim / Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
  Faust ou l`Autre en question: Dieu, la femme, le mal - etude litteraire et pholosophique de l`alterite dans le mythe de faust
Miles, Francoise / Dabezies, Andre [Preface] 1994 Presses Universitaires de Namur $65.00 More Details
  Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit
Harari, Yuval Noah / Neubauer, Jurgen 2015 Pantheon $18.00 More Details
  The Intellectual Revolt Against Liberal Democracy; 1870-1945
Sternhell, Zeev [Ed`] 1996 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $30.00 More Details
Beiträge zum Hathorkult (bis zum Ende des Mittleren Reiches).
Allam, Schafik 1963 Verlag Bruno Hessling $95.00 More Details
  Nesivos Sholom, Haharugoh Olecha: Essential Perspectives in the Holocaust.
Berezovsky, Sholom Noach / Weinberg, Shlomo [Ed.] / Leiman, Yehoshua [Tr.] 2005 Mechon Emunoh Voda`as of Yeshivas Beth Abraham-Slonim $20.00 More Details
L`Ègyptologie en 1979. Axes prioritaires de recherches - Tome I [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
1982 Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [CNRS] $95.00 More Details
  On History: Collected Studies [IN HEBREW].
Lewis, Bernard / Simon, Rachel [Ed`] 1988 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
  A Song to Life and World Peace: Selected Essays and Poems Presented at the XIII World Congress of Poets of the World Academy of Arts and Culture.
Aharoni, Ada ; Scheidemann, Mike ; Dicks, John ; Ben-Meir, Ezra [Ed`] 1993 Posner & Sons Ltd $30.00 More Details
  Les mensonges conventionnels de notre civilisation [SIGNED BY MAX NORDAU].
Nordau, Max / Dietrich, Auguste [Tr.] 1897 Felix Alcan $375.00 More Details
  Of Mice and Men: Animals in Human Culture
Batra, Nandita ; Messier, Vartan [Eds.] 2011 Cambridge Scholars $45.00 More Details
  Begegnungen: Antike Kulturen im Niltal
Arnst, Caris-Beatrice ; Hafemann, Ingelore ; Lohwasser, Angelika [Ed`] 2001 Helmar Wodtke und Katharina Stegbauer $65.00 More Details
  Tarbiz: A Quarterly Review of the Humanities - VOL. II No. 1-4, The Talmud Of Caesarea - Jerushalmi Tractate Nezikin [IN ONE VOLUME] [IN HEBREW]
Liebermann, Saul; Epstein, J. N. [Ed`] 1931 The Hebrew University Press $75.00 More Details
  The Hebrew Republic
Cunaeus, Petrus / Eyffinger, Arthur [Introduction] / Wyetzner, Peter [Tr.] 2006 Shalem Press $18.00 More Details
Die spätantike Stadt und ihre Christianisierung: Symposion vom 14/ bis 16/ Februar 2000 in Halle/Saale.
Brands, Gunnar & Severin, Hans-Georg [Eds.] 2003 Reichert Verlag $240.00 More Details
  Remembering for the Future: Working Papers and Addenda [THREE VOLUME SET].
Bauer, Yehuda ; Eckardt, Alice ; Littell, Franklin H. ; Maxwell, Elisabeth ; Maxwell, Robert ; Patterson, David [Ed.] 1989 Pergamon $280.00 More Details
von Einem, Herbert 1972 Wilhelm Fink $25.00 More Details
The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East - I: Problems in the Literary Source Material [Materials] (Papers of the First Workshop on Late Antiquity and Early Islam).
Cameron, Averil & Conrad, Lawrence I. [Eds.] / Whitby, M.; Haldon, John; Reinink, G.J.; Drijwers, Han J.W.; al-Qadi, Wadad; Leder, Stefan 1992 The Darwin Press $220.00 More Details
  Die Seele: Einführung in ein religiöses Grundphänomen (Mit ausgewählten Texten)
Hasenfratz, Hans-Peter 1986 TVZ - Theologischer Verlag Zürich $35.00 More Details

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