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Judaism - Judaica

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 2819) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Talmudische Okonomie: Die Wirtschaft des Judischen Palastina zur Zeit der Mischna und des Talmud: Band 1 [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [SIGNED]
Ben-David, Arye 1974 Georg Olms Verlag $45.00 More Details
    Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel
Moore Cross, Frank 1973 Harvard University Press $35.00 More Details
    Before Hashem You Shall Be Purified: Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik on the Days of Awe
Lustiger, Arnold [SUMMARIZED, ANNOTATIONS] 1998 Ohr Publishing $45.00 More Details
    Torah and Reason: Insiders and Outsiders of Torah [SIGNED]
Dr. Zimmerman, Chaim 1979 Hed Press $65.00 More Details
    Der Suche über Jisroel Pflichten: in der Zerstreuung, Zunächst für Jissroels denfende Junglinge und Jungfrauen
Hirsch, Samson Raphael 1889 J. Kauffmann $45.00 More Details
    Presenza Ebraica a Ferrara: Testimoninze Archivistiche Fino al 1492
Franceschini, Adriano ; Ravenna, Paolo [EDIT] 2007 L.S. Olschki $75.00 More Details
    Manual de la Historia Judia (Desde Los Origenes Hasta Nuestros Dias)
Dubnow, Simon / Resnick, Salomon [TRANSLATION] / Senderey, Moises [APPENDIX] 1955 Editorial S. Sigal $25.00 More Details
    Tosephta: Based On The Erfurt and Vienna Codices with Parallels and Variant: With "Supplement to the Tosephta" [IN HEBREW]
Dr. Zuckermandel, M. S.[EDIT] / Liebermann, Saul 1937 Bamberger & Wahrmann $75.00 More Details
    Digest of the Responsa Literature of Spain and North Africa [IN HEBREW] [FIVE VOLUMES SET] [SIGNED]
Elon, Menachem [EDIT] 1981-1987 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $171.88 More Details
    RAMBAM - Mishne Tora, Yad hachzakah Vol 6. A collection of ethical and practical halachos from The book of service and The book of sacrifices [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Rambam [Maimonides] / Finkel, Avraham Yaakov [Ed.] 2003 Yeshivat Beth Moshe $30.00 More Details
    Torah and Philosophy: Towards a Philosophy of the Torah [IN HEBREW]
Falk, Zeev W. 2001 The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies $17.19 More Details
    Job`s dungheap : essays on Jewish nationalism and social revolution, with a portrait of Bernard Lazare by Charles Peguy
Bernard Lazare / Binsse, Harry Lorin [Translation] 1948 Schocken Books $25.00 More Details
    Akedass Jizhak: Ein Altjiddisches Gedicht Uber Die Opferung Isaaks
Dreessen, Wulf-Otto [NOTES, EDIT] 1971 Leibniz $65.00 More Details
    Sukkah: Die Festhutte
Horowitz, Charles [TRANSLATION, INTERPRETATION] 1983 J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $25.00 More Details
    Nedarim Gelubde
Horowitz, Charles [TRANSLATION, INTERPRETATION] 1983 J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $25.00 More Details
    Doctor ad Solitudinem et Ductor ad Simplicitatem [IN HEBREW]
b Joshua b. Abraham Maimonides, David / Fenton, P. B. [TRANSLATION, ANNOTATION, PREFACE] 1987 Mekize Nirdamim $75.00 More Details
    Jewish Sites in Egypt [IN HEBREW]
Meital, Yoram 1995 Ben-Zvi Institute For The Study Of Jewish Communities In The East\ Center For Integration Of The Oriental Jewish Heritage $20.31 More Details
    The Lithuanian Yeshiva: Revised and Expanded Edition [IN HEBREW]
Stampfer, Shaul 2005 The Zalman Shazar Center $29.69 More Details
  Siddur of R. Solomon ben Samson of Garmaise: Including The Siddur of the Haside Ashkenas [IN HEBREW]
Hershler, Moshe 1971 $109.38 More Details
  Light for an Age of Confusion: Viewing the 20th Century According to the Torah: Linvuchei Ha-Tekufah: II [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Amiel, Moshe Avigdor / Slae, Menachem ; Slae, Bracha [TRANSLATION, EDIT] 1996 The Rabbi Amiel Library $45.00 More Details

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