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Jewish History

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 2761 to 2767 (of 2767) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
The German-Jewish History We Have Inherited [IN HEBREW]
Wassermann, Henry (ed.) 2004 Magnes $26.56 More Details
Gregg, Andrew J. 1900 Printed and bound at the House of Industry of the London Society for Propagating Christianity amongst the Jews $30.00 More Details
  Studies on History and Culture of Iraqi Jewry - 2 [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW].
Avishur, Yitzhak [Ed.] 1982 Iraqi Jews`Traditional Culture Center $29.69 More Details
Destins d`Israel
Ben-Gourion, David 1967 Hachette $23.00 More Details
  Wilno (Memorias) [IN YIDDISH].
Charney, Daniel 1951 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $35.00 More Details
  Sources for Early Biblical History: The Second Milenium B.C. [IN HEBREW].
Malamat, Abraham [Ed.] 1964 The Hebrew University Students` Printing and Publi $20.31 More Details
Jewish Money / Yidishe Gelt
Rivkind, Isaac 1959 American Academy for Jewish $37.50 More Details

Showing books 2761 to 2767 (of 2767) 

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