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Diaspora Jews

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 1047) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Studies in the History of Popular Culture [IN HEBREW]
Kedar, Benjamin Z. [EDIT] 1996 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $26.56 More Details
    Precious Stones of the Jews of Curcao: Curcaon Jewry: 1656-1957
Emmanuel, Isaac S. 1957 Bloch $650.00 More Details
    Jude Wohin?: Ein Reisebericht Aus Den Ghettos Der Welt
Londres, Albert / Ben-Zion, Alexander [TRANSLATION] 1931 Phaidon $35.00 More Details
    Morocco [IN HEBREW]
Saadon, Haim [EDIT] 2003 Ben-Zvi Institute $29.69 More Details
    West of Aden: A Survey of The Aden Jewish Community
Tobi, Jacob / Shenkar, Barry [TRANSLATION] 1994 Assocoation for Society and Culture $55.00 More Details
    Portuguese Jewry at the Stake: Studies on Jews and Crypto-Jews [In Hebrew]
Assis, Yom Tov [Edit] / Orfali, Moises [Edit] 2009 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $20.31 More Details
    Comparative Study of the Jewish Teacher Training Schools in the Diaspora
Dushkin, Alexander M. 1970 Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University Jerusalem $30.00 More Details
  Jewish Bankers and the Holy See: From the Thirteenth to the Seventeenth Century
Poliakov, Leon / Kochan, Miriam [TRANSLAITON] 1977 Routledge & Kegan Paul $25.00 More Details
  Struggle for Survival: A History of Jewish Credit Co-Operatives in Bessarabia, Old-Rumania, Bukovina and Transylvania
Ussokin, Moshe / Dr. Schwartz, Joseph J. [FOREWORD] 1975 Jerusalem Academic Press $29.69 More Details
  The Beth Haim of Ouderkerk ann de Amstel: Images of a Portugese Jewish Cemetery in Holland [IN DUTCH & ENGLISH]
Vega, Alvares L. 1994 Stichting tot Instandhouding en Onderhoud van Historische Joodse Begraafplaatsen, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel $45.00 More Details
  Homilies in the Neo-Aramaic of the Kurdistani Jews on the Parashot Wayhi, Beshallah and Yitro [IN HEBREW]
Sabar, Yona [EDIT, TRANSLATION, INTODUCTION] 1984 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $100.00 More Details
  The Jews of Cincinnati
Sarna, Jonathan D./ Klein, Nancy H. 1989 Center For Study of The American Jewish Experience $45.00 More Details
  The Jewish of Europe After The Black Death
Foa, Anna / Grover, Andrea[Trans`] 2000 University of California Press $55.00 More Details
  Chalutzim Pionieri in Eretz Israel; Ebrei Piemontesi il Contributo Alla Realizzazione Dell Utopia Sionista. 1897-1948
Cavallarin, Marco 2006 Priuli & Verlucca $85.00 More Details
  Relation Between Greek and Italian Jewry
Benayahu, Meir 1980 Tel-Aviv University / The Diaspora research Institute $68.75 More Details
  Jews in Italy: Studies Dedicated to The Memory of U. Cassuto on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth
Prof. Beinart, H.[Edit] 1988 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $37.50 More Details
  Pru Urvu: Crescete e Moltiplicatevi
Portaleone, Bruno 2001 Giuntina $48.00 More Details
  La Famiglia De` Rossi: Vicessitudini di Una Famiglia Ebraica Da Gerusalemme a Roma e Da Roma Nel Mondo
Rossi Artom, Elena Lea 2013 Giuntina $35.00 More Details
  Primo Levi: Memoria E Invenzione; A Cura di Giovanna Loli
Loli, Giovanna[Edit] 1995 Biennale Piemonte e Letteratura $45.00 More Details
  The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization[Volume 5: The Early Modern Era, 1500-1750]
Moore, Deborah Dash [Editor in Chief / Kaplan, Yosef[Editor] 2023 Yale University Press $150.00 More Details

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