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American History

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Showing books 101 to 112 (of 112) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Geschichte der verschiedenen Völker des Erdbodens - Fünfter Band [VOLUME 5 ONLY].
Dorville, C. [André Guillaume Contant d`Orville] 1777 bey Johann Gottlieb Vierling $220.00 More Details
"Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land..."
1976 Jewish National and University Library $20.00 More Details
Then and Now
Globe, Leah Ain 1998 Targum / Feldheim $20.00 More Details
  Les Etats-Unis D`amerique: Impressions de Voyage
Vattemare, H. [TR] / Dixon, William Hepworth 1879 Librairie Hachette $20.00 More Details
  Who`s Who in America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Men and Women of the United States 1908-1909.
Marquis, Albert Nelson 1908 A. N. Marquis & Company $48.00 More Details
Sephardim in Twentieth Century America - In Search of Unity
Papo, Joseph M. 1987 Pele Yoetz $30.00 More Details
Harmony & Dissonance
Bolkosky, Sidney 1991 Wayne State University Press $25.00 More Details
Profiles in Courage
Kennedy, John F. 1964 International Collectors Library $55.00 More Details
Satire or Evasion?
Leonard, James S. et al. (eds.) 1992 Duke University $35.00 More Details
Pioneers in Paradise: West Palm Beach The First 100 Years
Tuckwood, Jan / Kleinberg, Eliot 1994 Longstreet $45.00 More Details
Studi Americani 16
Lombardo, Agostino (ed.) 1970 Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura $20.00 More Details
  Trois ans Aux Etats-Unis: Etude des Moeurs et Coutumes Americaines
Comettant, Oscar 1858 Pagnerre $20.00 More Details

Showing books 101 to 112 (of 112) 

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