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  Gedenkbuch für die im Weltkrieg gefallenen Münchener Juden. Herausgegeben von der Ortsgruppe München des Reichsbundes jüdischer Frontsoldaten.  

Author Baerwald, L. [Geleitw.] / Hrsg. von der Ortsgruppe München des Reichsbundes jüdischer Frontsoldaten
Place of Publication München
Publication Name Verlag B. Heller
Year 1929
Language(s) German
RARE memorial volume dedicated to the Jews of Munich fallen in the First World War with their short biographical descriptions and b&w portrait. Contains several additional b&w photographic plates. 225x145mm. 252 pages. Grey rebound Hardcover with green taped cloth spine. Silver lettering on front cover. Pages upper edge dyed grey. Cover rubbed. Cover corners and spine edges bumped. Title written on spine. Sticker resideu on rear cover near spine bottom edge. Ink inscription on whitepage and title page. Ex-library copy with stamp on whitepage, title page and pages 97, 145, 177 and 195. Pages edges slightly age-stained. Text block and pages yellowing. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare book is otherwise in good condition.
Please note
  • Photographs of this book are available on demand.
Price $80.00
(Price does not include shipping costs!)
Catalog Index Number MB 02 22

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