La Merveilleuse Histoire de la Reine Esther - "La Meguilah": Texte et Miniatures
Tuszynski, Devi [Tushinsky, David]
Place of Publication
Publication Name
Prestige des Arts
French English
RARE collection of 22 miniatures relating scenes from the book of Esther. The beautiful drawings are done in the unique style of Devi Tuszynski, who is influenced by ancient mid-eastern art, Persian art and illuminated Islamic manuscripts, while maintaining a very modernist feel. The miniatures are captioned and prefaced in English, Hebrew and French. 305x230mm. 6 text pages & 22 plates. No binding (folder format). Folder corners and edges bumped. Folder spine wrinkled. Folder spine upper edge peeling. The white frames (blank pages on which the plates are mounted) are wavy, several slightly moisture-stained - NO DAMAGE TO PLATES. The inner side of folder is also somewhat moisture-stained. [SUMMARY]: This rare work of Jewish art has sustained some slight wear, but is otherwise in very good condition. Plates are in very good condition.
Please note
This book may take up to two business days to be retrieved from storage.