Philo: With an English Translation: In Eleven Volumes [TWELVE VOLUMES SET] [IN ENGLISH AND GREEK]  
  [SERIES]: The Loeb Classical Library.  

Author Colson, F. H. ; Whitaker, G. H. ; Marcus, Ralph [TRANSLATION]
Place of Publication Cambridge, Massachusetts / London
Publication Name Harvard University Press / William Heinemann
Year 1949 - 1953
Language(s) English
TWELVE VOLUMES SET. IN ENGLISH AND GREEK. [ALL VOLUMES]: 11X17 cm. Gilt Hardcover. Pages are a bit yellowed. Else, in good condition. [VOL. 1]: Vol. I. xxxiv+483+10 pages. [VOL. 2]: Vol. II. vi+503+10 pages. [VOL. 3]: Supplement I: Questions and Answers on Genesis. xx+551+10 pages. [VOL. 4]: Supplement II: Questions and Answers on Exodus. viii+306+10 pages. [VOL. 5]: Vol. III. x+511+10 pages. [VOL. 6]: Vol. IV. x+581+10 pages. [VOL. 7]: Vol. V. vii+625+10 pages. [VOL. 8]: Vol. VI. xviii+611+8 pages. Spine is a bit worn out at the bottom and upper parts. [VOL. 9]: Vol. VII. xx+641+10 pages. [VOL. 10]: Vol. VIII. xxvi+457+10 pages. [VOL. 11]: Vol. IX. x+547+10 pages. [VOL. 12]: Vol. X. xxxviii+519+8 pages.
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Price $240.00
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Catalog Index Number AR 2207 001

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