L`Institut Francais D`archelogie Orientale du Caire / Instituto Poligrafico Dello Stato Per La Reale Societa di Geografia D`Egitto
1932 - 1935
FOUR VOLUMES SET. [ALL VOLUMES]: 16.5X22.5 cm. Gilt Hardcover. Pages are yellowed. Else, in proper condition. No damage to the text. Price is determined by the book`s condition.
[VOL. 1]: IX+466 pages. Cover is detached from the pages. Spine is a bit worn out.
[VOL. 2]: VI+414 pages. Cover is not well connected to the pages. Spine is a bit worn out.
[VOL. 3]: 390 pages. Contains plates. Cover is not well connected to the pages.
[VOL. 4]: Les Regnes de`Abbas de Sa`id et D`Isma`il (1848-1879): Avec un Apercu de L`Histoire du Canal de Suez. XIX+417 pages. Cover is not well connected to the pages.
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