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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 283) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Records of the Trials of the Spanish Inquisition in Ciudad Real [FOUR VOLUMES SET. Vol. 1: 1483-1485. Vol. 2: The Trials of 1494-1512 in Toledo. Vol. 3: The Trials of 1512-1527 in Toledo. Vol. 4: Documents, Biographical Notes, Indexes.] [IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH]
Beinart, Haim [EDIT, INTRODUCTION, NOTES] 1985 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $120.00 More Details
    Le Glossaire de Leipzig: Introduction [VOL. 2 ONLY]
Banitt, Menahem [EDIT, ANNOTATION] 2005 Academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres D`Israel $45.00 More Details
    Records of the Trials of the Spanish Inquisition in Ciudad Real: Volume Three: The Trials of 1512-1527 in Toledo [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH]
Beinart, Haim [EDIT, INTRODUCTION, ANNOTATION] 1981 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $25.00 More Details
    Le Glossaire de Leipzig: Introduction [VOL. 2 ONLY]
Banitt, Menahem [EDIT, ANNOTATION] 2005 Academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres D`Israel $35.00 More Details
    Poetry Aptly Explained: Studies and Essays on Medieval Hebrew Poetry [IN HEBREW]
Fleischer, Ezra [EDIT] 1993 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $29.69 More Details
    L`amour de Dieu Dans La Theologie Juive du Moyen Age
Vajda, Georges 1957 Libraire Philosophique J. Vrin $65.00 More Details
    Western Pilgrims (1322-1392): The Itineraries of Fr. Simon Fitzimmons (1322-23), a certain Englishman (1344-45), Thomas Brygg (1392), and Notes on Other Authors and Pilgrims
Hoade, Eugene [Ed.] 1993 Franciscan Printing Press $45.00 More Details
    Jewish Prince in Moslem Spain: Selected Poems of Samuel Ibn Nagrela [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Ibn Nagrela, Samuel / Weinberger, Leon J. [TRANSLATION, INTRODUCTION, NOTES] 1973 The University of Alabama Press $45.00 More Details
    Ebrei e Cristiani Nell`Italia Medievale e Moderna: Conversioni, Scambi, Contrasti: Atti del VI Congresso Internazionale Dell`AISG S. Miniato, 4-6 Novembre 1986
Luzzati, Michele ; Olivari, Michele ; Veronese, Alessandra [EDIT] 1988 Carucci Editore $45.00 More Details
  Involuntary Marginals: Marginal Individuals in Medieval Northern European Jewish Society [IN HEBREW]
Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim 2008 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $29.69 More Details
  Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Shapiro, Marc B. 2008 University of Scranton Press $30.00 More Details
  Le Monde Sepharade: I. Histoire [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Trigano, Shmuel 2006 Editions Du Seuil $45.00 More Details
  Le Monde Sepharade: II. Civilisation [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Trigano, Shmuel 2006 Editions Du Seuil $45.00 More Details
  Deux Commentaires Karaites Sur L`ecclesiaste
Vadja, Georges 1971 E. J. Brill $55.00 More Details
  Etudes et Recherches Sur La Vie Intellectuelle Juive au Maroc: De La Fin Du 15e Au Debut Du 20e Siecle [THIS VOLUME ONLY. Vol. III: Litteratures Dialectales et Populaires Juives en Occident Musulman: L`ecrit et L`oral] [SIGNED]
Zafrani, Haim 1980 Libraire Orientaliste Paul Geuthner $65.00 More Details
  The Sevoraic Period and Its Literature: In Babylonia and in Eretz Israel (500-689) [IN HEBREW]
Ephrathi, Jacob E. 1973 Agudath Bnai Asher $29.69 More Details
  The Jewish of Europe After The Black Death
Foa, Anna / Grover, Andrea[Trans`] 2000 University of California Press $55.00 More Details
  The Collected Liturgical Poetry: Mose Ibn Ezra: Circa 1055-60-1135-38 Granada-Toledo, Spain [IN HEBREW]
Ibn Ezra, Mose / Bernstein, Shimeon [EDIT AND ANNOTATED] 1975 Massadah $56.25 More Details
  The Streets of Jerusalem: Who, What, Why
Eisenberg, Ronald L. 2006 Devora Publishing Company $180.00 More Details
  Moreshet Sepharad: The Sephardi Legacy [IN HEBREW]
Beinart, Haim [Ed.] 1992 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $56.25 More Details

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