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  Language, Ritual and Poetics in Ancient India and Iran - Studies in Honor of Shaul Migron.  
  מחקרים לכבודו של שאול מגרון  

Author Shulman, David [Ed.]; Migron, Shaul [Saul]; Baum, D.; Klein, J.; Lubotsky A.; Buyaner, D.; Kellens, J.; McCrea, L.; Bronner, Y.; et al.
Place of Publication Jerusalem
Publication Name The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Year 2010
Language(s) English
This collection of Indological and Iranogical essays, originating in a conference held at the Israel academy of Sciences and Humanities in honor of veteran Israeli vedic scholar Shaul Migron, presents in a rich selection of Indo-Iranian scholarship from Israel, the U.S. and Europe. This volume has four major thematic and textual foci: 1) the language of the Vedas; 2) the study of ancient Indian ritual and its refractions in the epic; 3) classical Iranist and comparative Indo-European studies; and 4) Sanskrit poetics, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in southern India. These essays, in the Jerusalem tradition of meticulous philological research, shed light on major aspects of language, ritual and poetics in ancient India and Iran. Contributors: Daniel Baum, Jared Klein, Alexander Lubotsky, Shaul Migron, Jan E.M. Houben, Tamar C. Reich, David Buyaner, Thamar E. Gindin, Jean Kellens, Yigal Bronner, Lawrence McCrea, David Shulman. 170x240mm. X+278+2 pages. Gilt cloth Hardcover. In as new condition.
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Price $60.62
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Catalog Index Number SA 140

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