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Jubilee & Memorial Books

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 302) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Leo Jung Jubilee Volume: On the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday: Essays in his Honor [SIGNED] [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Kasher, Menahem M. ; Lamm, Norman ; Rosenfeld, Leonard [EDIT] 1962 Shulsinger $65.00 More Details
    Jubelschrift zum 70. Geburstag des Professors Dr. Heinrich Graetz [IN GERMAN AND HEBREW]
1973 Georg Olms Verlag $35.00 More Details
  Scritti in Memoria di Nathan Cassuto [IN ITALIAN AND HEBREW]
Cassuto, David M. 1986 Kedem - Yad Leyakkirenu $85.00 More Details
  Miscellanea Di Studi: In Memoria di Dario Disegni [IN HEBREW AND ITALIAN]
Artom, E. M. ; Caro, L. ; Sierra, S. J. 1969 Instituto di Studi Ebraici Scoula Rabbinica "S. H. Margulies-D. Disegni" $45.00 More Details
  Tarbiz: A quarterly For The Jewish Studies [VOL. L: Jubilee Volume. ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Urbach, Ephraim E. [EDIT] 1980-1981 The Hebrew University, Magnes Press $29.69 More Details
  Between Hermon And Sinai - Memorail To Amnon: Studies in the History, Archaeology and Geography of Eretz Israel [IN HEBREW]
Broshi, Magen [Ed.] 1977 $20.31 More Details
  Anafiem Gedoe`iem: Overleden Joodse Artsen Uit Nederland: 1940-1945
Coppenhagen, J. H / Prof.Dr. van Lieburg, M. J. [INTRODUCTION] 2000 Erasmus Publishing $45.00 More Details
  Studies in Public International Law In Memory of Sir Hersch Lauterpacht [IN HEBREW]
Feinberg, Nathan [EDIT] 1961 The Hebrew University, Magnes Press $23.44 More Details
  Educational Eclectics: Essays In Memory of Shlomo (Seymour) Fox by Graduates of the Mandel Leadership Institute [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Wygoda, Shmuel ; Sorek, Israel [EDIT] 2009 Mandel Foundation $23.44 More Details
  Kimpolung-Bukowina: A Memorial of the Jewish Communnity in Kimpolung and Surroundings [TWO VOLUME SET] [IN HEBREW]
Avny, S. [Ed.] 2003 The Committee of Former Residents of Kimpolung-Bukowina and Surroundings $75.00 More Details
  Die Jüdischen Gefallenen des Deutschen Heeres, der Deutschen Marine und der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918: Ein Gedenkbuch
1932 Reichsbund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten $80.00 More Details
  The World of Rav Kook`s Thought: Presentation Fron an Avi Chai-Sponsored Conference Held in Jerusalem August 19-22, 1985 (ELUL 2-5, 5745) On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Rav Kook`s Death
Dr. Ish Shalom, Benjamin ; Professor Rosenberg, Shalom [EDITORS] / Rabbi Carmy, Shalom ; Rabbi Casper, Bernard [TRANSLATORS] 1991 Avi Chai $30.00 More Details
  Haggadà di Pésach: Secondo il Rito Italiano, con le Principali Varianti Dei Riti Tedesco e Spagnolo [IN ITALIAN AND HEBREW]
Donati, Angelo / Bonfil, Roberto [TRANSLATION, INTRODUCTION] 1962 Editrice Fondazione Sally Mayer $35.00 More Details
Mermelstein (Weidenfeld), Max ; Brettler, Chaim ; Lachman, Gedalia ; Fiderer, Munio ; Plit, Max ; Ressler, B. ; Schwartzbach, A. [Ed.] 1978 Skala Benevolent Society - Memorial Book Comittee $43.75 More Details
  Studies On The History of The Jews of Ashkenaz: Presented to Eric Zimmer [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED]
Bacon, Gershon ; Sperber, Daniel ; Gaimani, Aharon [Ed.] 2008 Bar-Ilan University $29.69 More Details
  Yitzhak F. Baer, Memorial Volume 1888-1980: Zion XLIV-1979 [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH SUMMARY]
Beinart, H.; Ettinger, S.; Stern, M. [ed.] 1980 The Historical Society of Israel $29.69 More Details
  The Diary of Aaron Wilf: the Blood Soaked Saga of Skole
Posner, Raphael [TRANS`] $30.00 More Details
  Children of the Ghetto [In three volumes]
Zangwill, I. 1892 William Heinemann $45.00 More Details
  Hommage a Otto Freundlich a L`Occasion 100eme Anniversaire de sa Nissance / Homage to Otto Freundlich on the 100th Aniversary of his Birth: Cat. no. 183
Maillet, Edda ; Kaniel, Paul ; Fischer, Yona [Curator] 1978 The Israel Museum $30.00 More Details
  Worte des Friedens: Erinnerungsblätter an die Einweihungsfeier der in der Synagoge zu Hindenburg O.-S. errichteten Gedenktafeln für die im Weltkrieg gefallenen Angehörigen der Synagogegemeinde
Kaatz, Saul 1924 Verlag der Zentrale für jüdische Wohltätigkeit $20.00 More Details

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