Jewish Law: History, Sources, Principles - Third Enlarged Edition [THREE VOLUME SET] [IN HEBREW WITH WITH ENGLISH SUMMARY IN VOLUME I]
[Part I]: The History and Elements of Jewish Law / [Part II]: The Legal Sources of Jewish Law / [PART III]: The Literary Sources of Jewish Law / [Part IV]: Jewish Law in the State of Israel
Elon, Menachem
Place of Publication
Publication Name
The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University
Hebrew English
THREE VOLUME SET. IN HEBREW WITH WITH ENGLISH SUMMARY IN VOLUME I. [ALL VOLUMES]: 15.5X15.5. Volume I: [מט + 828 + XXXVIII]. Volume II: [ [יד + 831-1316 ] Volume III: [ ט + 1319 - 2024 ]. Hard cover. Spine slightly creased and bumped at top and bottom. Age stains on leaf margins at top. [Volume I only]: Spine slightly torn at top on side. Pen writing on first white page. Page number VII slightly creased at side. [Volume III only]: Spine cover slightly torn. [Summary]: Else the volumes are in good condition.
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