7 Original Picasso Lithographs  

שם המחבר Picasso, Pablo
מקום ההוצאה
מוציא לאור
שנת הוצאה ND (c.1954)
שפה אנגלית
תיאור הספר
RARE! 7 ORIGINAL LITHOGRAPHS by Pablo Picasso, in folder format, from an unknown publication (no details within), probably circa 1954. All seven lithographs are based on the same templates used for the 1954 Verve no. 29-30 publication. Presented in folder format. The folder itself is an additional (8th) lithograph, very similar to the one used for the cover of "The Human Comedy", printed on harder, criss-crossed cloth paper. Also included: a small photograph of another Picasso print, in b&w. 330x250mm. Soft folder format, with larger red and white lithograph serving as cover for the other lithographs. Folder split halfway along the spine. Front cover stained in several places. Edges worn around cover and all lithographs. One small tear affects cover and all lithograph frames near the corner. Only one lithograph very slightly damaged by this tear. No bending, creasing or staining inside. [SUMMARY]: Overall, this extremely rare collection of original Picasso lithographs is in good condition.
מחיר ₪5,940.10 + משלוח
מספר קטלוגי MB 03 17

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