טוען נתונים, אנא המתן ...


From Earth to Earth Art [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED BY AUTHOR]


שם המחבר
Tumarkin, Igael [Yigal]
מקום ההוצאה
מוציא לאור
Zmora, Bitan - Publishers
שנת הוצאה
תיאור הספר
IN HEBREW. SIGNED BY IGAEL TUMARKIN (b.1933) - an eminent Israeli painter and sculptor, as well as art critic, with DEDICATION to an eminent Israeli archaeologist, professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem from 1977 - Trude Dothan. The dedication is in Hebrew and dated 16.8.1989. This rare book is unusual among Tumarkin`s writings in that it is a comprehensive text unveiling his philosophy of art in broad outline, dealing with all periods of sculpture throughout human history, rather than a text on his own art works. The book contains numerous b&w reproductions of different sculptural and architectural monuments from around the world, encompassing all periods of sculpture - from ancient to modern. 260x167mm. 264 pages. Semi-rigid illustrated Softcover with gilt lettering on front cover and spine. Cover rubbed and scratched. Cover corners and edges bumped/wrinkled. Spine wrinkled. Spine edges and hinges bumped/wrinkled. Binding slightly curved. Author`s signed dedication on pre-title page. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare book by an eminent modern Israeli artist, bearing his signature and dedication, is overall in good condition.
שימו לב:
- ניתן לבקש מאיתנו להוסיף תמונות לספר זה.
+ משלוח
מספר קטלוגי
MA 03 19
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