Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. In the Years 1701, 1702, 1703.  
  The Second Edition.  

שם המחבר Addison, Joseph
מקום ההוצאה London
מוציא לאור J. Tonson
שנת הוצאה 1718
שפה אנגלית
תיאור הספר
SECOND EDITION of Joseph Addison`s accounts of his travels in Europe during the first years of the 18th century. Addison, a contemporary and friend of John Dryden, Richard Steele, Lord Halifax and Alexander Pope, was able to travel due to a pension provided to him by John Lord Sommers, to whom this book contains a lengthy dedication. The chapters titles and chapter endings are decorated with floral and pseudo-classical patterns. 165x100mm. X+410 pages (+10 index pages). Brown leather Hardcover with gilt frames on front and rear. Gilt lettering on spine. Cover curved and slightly worn. Cover slightly scratched. Front cover wrinkled. Cover edges rubbed. Cover corners and spine edges bumped and peeling. Spine heavily rubbed and faded. Correction-pen inscription on spine. Rear inner cover dirty and age-stained. Pages 369-378 slightly creased on outer edge. Pages yellowing, wavy and slightly age-stained. [SUMMARY]: This handsome 18th-century travel journal is intact and in good condition for reading.
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  • ניתן לבקש מאיתנו להוסיף תמונות לספר זה.
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מספר קטלוגי MB 06 01

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