עדיפות להצגת פרטים בשפה:

  Laws and Customs of Israel: Complied from The Codes Chayye Adam and Kizzur Shulchan Arukh: In Four Parts [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH] [THREE VOLUMES SET]  

שם המחבר Friedlander, Gerald [TRANSLATION]
מקום ההוצאה London
מוציא לאור P. Vallentine and Sons (Successors)
שנת הוצאה 1916 - 1915
שפה עברית, אנגלית
תיאור הספר
IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH. THREE VOLUMES SET. [ALL VOLUMES]: 14X21 cm. 401 pages. Gilt Hardcover. Pages are yellowed. Else, in good condition.
[VOL. 1]: Part I: Containing Laws Concerning Daily Conduct, Arba` Kanfos, Tephilin, Mezuzah, Prayer, Minyan, Reading of The Law, Kaddish, Jahrzeit, Study of Sacred Books, Repentance, Charity, Talebearing and Slander, Chalah, Preparation of Food (Kashruth), Grace Before and After Meals, &c.
[VOL. 2]: Part II: Laws Concerning Forbidden Food: Benedictions to be said when enjoying the Gifts of God, Rules concerning errors in regard to the benedictions. The Benediction שהחיינו and הגומל. Laws concerning buying and selling, interest, business (with the money of another), prosecutor and defendant and evidence procedure, theft and robbery, monetary damages, borrowing and hiring, trusts, things lost and found, unloading and loading. Rules concerning physical well-being, cruelty to animals, vows and oaths, prayer for a journey, afternoon and evening prayers and the reading of the reading of the Shema` and regulations for the night. The precept of honoring father and mother, laws concerning circumcision, Kilayim (cf. Lev. xix. 19 and Deut xxii. 9-11), the prohibition of shaving. The laws concerning sickness and the physician, visiting the sick, one who is dying, rending the garment, the mourner in the period between death and burial of a kinsman and all the regulations concerning mourning.
[VOL. 3]: Part III: Laws concerning the holiness of Sabbath, the preparation for the Sabbath, one who embarks (on the Friday) , the kindling of the Sabbath lights, Service on Sabbath and Holydays. Rules concerning Mukzeh (things not intended for use), week-day matters prohibited on Sabbath. Laws concerning an invalid on Sabbath, a woman in confinement on Sabbath, the `Erub with reference to buildings with a common court [...]
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  • משקל חריג.
  • יידרשו עד 2 ימי עסקים להביא ספר זה מהמחסן. אם ברצונכם לרכוש את הספר בחנות, אנא הזמינו את הספר מראש בהתאם.
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רח' שץ 6 (פינת רח' המלך ג'ורג' 26), ירושלים
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