Jüdisches Jugendbuch: Sechster Jahrgang des Jüdischen Jugendkalenders [Jüdischer Jugendkalender] [THIS VOLUME ONLY]  

שם המחבר Cohn, Emil Bernhard [Ed.]
מקום ההוצאה Berlin
מוציא לאור Jüdischer Verlag
שנת הוצאה 1936
שפה גרמנית
תיאור הספר
SECHSTER JAHRGANG - THIS VOLUME ONLY. This book contains riddles, narrations, plays, reports and poems about Jewish and Zionist issues. Also includes several illustrations to the stories and four plates depicting interior views of a Synagogue, children`s dolls and portraits of important personalities in literature and Zionism. 170x209mm. 100 pages. Illustrated Hardcover rebound with red cloth spine. Cover yellowing, stained and rubbed/scratched. Cover corners bumped and worn. Cover edges worn. Ink inscription of previous owner`s name (Ruth Levy) and year (1937) on front endpaper and whitepage. Another name appears in Hebrew ("Rivkah Levy") with an address in Jerusalem. Several pages slightly age stained and/or rough-cut (as published). Pages slightly yellowing. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare book is overall in good condition.
מחיר ₪242.10 + משלוח
מספר קטלוגי MC 07 02

גלריית תמונות
(להגדלת תמונה, הקלק עליה)

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יהדות גרמניה
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רח' שץ 6 (פינת רח' המלך ג'ורג' 26), ירושלים
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