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Asian and Far Eastern History & Literature

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 143) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Nepal: ander the Ranas
Sever, Adrian. 1993 Oxford University $75.00 More Details
    The Roots of The Revolution: A Brief History of the Defence Services of the Union of Burma and the Ideals For Which They Stand
Than, U Ba 1962 Director of Information $25.00 More Details
    An Apple From The Tree of Knowledge: Fifty Folktales From Afghanistan [IN HEBREW]
Yehoshua-Raz, Rafael 1986 Zur-Or $37.50 More Details
  A Few Events in The Early History of the Parsis and Their Dates
Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji 2004 $30.00 More Details
  Burmese Folk-Tales
Aung, Maung Htin 1948 Oxford University Press $30.00 More Details
  The Motor Roads of Burma
1948 The Burmah Oil Co. $30.00 More Details
  The Glass Palace Chronicle of The Kings of Burma
Tin, Pe maung / Luce, G.H. 1960 Rangoon University $150.00 More Details
  The Miami Organ
Tatsuro, Izumiya / Chain, U Tun Anug [TRANSLATION] 1967 Art and Science University $30.00 More Details
  Burma No. 4: The Tribes of Burma
Lowis, C. C. 1949 Government of Burma $95.00 More Details
  I Lived in Burma
Foucar, E. C. V. 1956 Dennis Dobson $30.00 More Details
  The Muslims of Burma: A Study of a Minority Group
Yegar, Moshe 1972 Otto Haarassowitz $55.00 More Details
  Os Tesouros Da Cidade Proibida: Simbolos da Autoridade Imperial / Treasures From The Forbidden City: Symbols of Imperial Authority [IN PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH]
Barreto, Cristina ; Yamada, Elisio [Organization] 2003 BrasilConnects $85.00 More Details
  Burma and the Insurrections
1949 Government of the Union of Burma Publication $20.00 More Details
  Hand Book on the Haka Chin Customs
Head, W. R. 1955 SUPDT, Union Govt. Printing and Stationary, Burma $30.00 More Details
  Sino-Judaica: Jews and Chinese in Historical Dialogue - An International Colloquium, Nanjing, 11-19 October 1996
Oppenheimer, Aharon [Ed.] 1999 Tel-Aviv University $95.00 More Details
La Mediterranee Asiatique: Villes portuaires et réseaux marchands en Chine, au Japon et en Asie du Sud-Est, XVIe-XXIe siècle
Gipouloux, Francois 2009 CNRS Editions $45.00 More Details
  Tales Of Indigenous Peoples Of Burma
U Hla, Ludu \ Tun, Than [Tr.] 1974 Ludu U Hla $25.00 More Details
  The Karens Of Burma
Marshall, Harry I. 1945 Longmans, Green & co. $20.00 More Details
  The Hill Peoples Of Burma
Stevenson, H. N. C. 1945 Longmans, Green & co. $20.00 More Details
  Japanese Literature; Manners and Customs in the Meiji-Taisho Era
Ki, Kimura [Ed.] \ Yampolsky, Phillip [Tr.] 1957 Obunsha $30.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 143) 

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