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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 175) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    About Hebrew Manuscripts
Adler, Elkan Nathan 1905 Henry Frowde $45.00 More Details
  Folklore: Storia, Obbieto, Metodo, Bibliografia; Quarta Edizione Riveduta e Notevolmente Ampliata con Appendict
Corso, Raffaele 1953 R. Pironti E Figli $30.00 More Details
  Gesamtregister zur Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 1851-1939
1966 J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $35.00 More Details
  Menasseh Ben Israel (Manuel Dias Soeiro 1604-1657) A Bibliography
Coppenhagen, J.H. 1990 Misgav Yerushalayim $45.00 More Details
  Le Fils de L`homme et Les Saints du Tres-Haut en Daniel , VII, dans les Apocryphes er dans le Nouveau Testament
Coppens, Joseph \ Dequeker, Luc 1961 Imprimerie J.Duculot . S. A $25.00 More Details
  List of Photocopies in The Institute[part 1]; Hebrew Manuscripts in The Libraries of Austria and Germany
Allony, N. / Loewinger, D.S. 1957 Ministry of Education and Culture / The Institute of Hebrew Manuscripts $29.69 More Details
  Otzar Kitvei Eit Toranim [Bibliography of Hebrew Rabbinical Periodicals which Appeared in Israel,Eastern and Western Europe, Russia,China (Shanghai),North Africa and North Africa and North America during the years 1691-1948
Rabbi Dr. Lewin, Issac 1980 Research Institute of Religious Jewry $37.50 More Details
  List of Photocopies in The Institute [Part iii] -Hebrew Manuscripts in The Vativan
Allony,N\ Loewinger, D.S. 1968 Rubin Mass $29.69 More Details
  List of Photocopies in The Institute part ii
Allony, N. / Kupfer, E. (F.) 1964 Rubin Mass $37.50 More Details
  Children`s literature: An Annotated Bibliography [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH PREFACE]
Regev, Menahem 1979 Center For Public Libraries In Israel $17.19 More Details
  Martin Buber
Dreyfus, Théodore 1981 Les Editions Du Cerf $20.00 More Details
  Soviet Jewry in the Mirror of the Yiddish Press in Poland: Bibliography 1945-1970 [IN HEBREW AND YIDDISH WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Altshuler, Mordechai [Ed.] 1975 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $65.00 More Details
  Agnon: Texts and Contexts in English Translation: a Multi-Disciplinary Curriculum Bibliographies, and Selected Syllabi
Yudkin, Leon I. [EDITOR] 1988 Markus Wiener $20.00 More Details
  Antisemitism in Romania: Image of thr Jew in the Romanian Society, Bibliography
Hartman, Ziv 1993 The Goldstein-Goren Dispora Research Center $45.00 More Details
  Bibliography of the Writings of Gershom G. Scholem [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
1977 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $17.19 More Details
  La Haggada de Pessah en Afrique du Nord: Bibliographie [IN HEBREW]
Ben-Menahem, Naphtali 1969 Comite de la Communaute Marocaine $50.00 More Details
  The Treasury of Numbers: A Numerical Compilation, Including References, of Numbers Ranging from One to One Thousand, Taken from the Bible, Talmud, Midrash and Other Classical Writings of Rabbinical Literature [IN HEBREW]
Zeligman, Israel [Ed.] / Zeligman, Mr. and Mrs. [Publication] 1942 Shulsinger Bros. $23.44 More Details
  Chronologisches Verzeichnis: Der von 333 bis 1878 Verfassten Literatur Uber die Heilige Land mit dem Verusch Einer Kartographie
Rohricht, Reinhold 1963 The Universitas Booksellers of Jerusalem (Israel) $40.00 More Details
  The Books of Aleppo: The Rabbinical Literature of the Scholars of Aleppo [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Harel, Yaron 1997 Ben-Zvi Institute / Aleppo Heritage Center $37.50 More Details
  The Books of Aleppo: The Rabbinical Literature of the Scholars of Aleppo [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Harel, Yaron 1997 Ben-Zvi Institute / Aleppo Heritage Center $37.50 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 175) 

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