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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 447) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Stirring Times or: Records From Jerusalem Consular Chronicles of 1853 to 1856 [TWO VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW]
Finn, James / Amir, Aharon 1980 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $29.69 More Details
    Jerusalem in the 19th Century: The Old City
Ben-Arieh, Yehoshua 1984 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $30.00 More Details
    A Townhouse in Jerusalem
Larkey, Arieh 1996 Gefen Publishing House $180.00 More Details
    When We Lived in Jerusalem
Blyth, Estelle 1927 John Murray $45.00 More Details
    Images of Ein Kerem
Passal, Daniela [TEXT AND DRAWING] 1987 Hummingbird Editions $45.00 More Details
    Western Pilgrims (1322-1392): The Itineraries of Fr. Simon Fitzimmons (1322-23), a certain Englishman (1344-45), Thomas Brygg (1392), and Notes on Other Authors and Pilgrims
Hoade, Eugene [Ed.] 1993 Franciscan Printing Press $45.00 More Details
  Haj Mohammad Amin El-Husseini: Ex-Mufti of Jerusalem (The Man and his Rise to Power) [IN HEBREW]
Elath, Eliahu 1968 Reshafim $23.44 More Details
  The First Photographs of Jerusalem & The Holy Land
Schiller, Ely / Kyram, Dan[Participant] 1980 Ariel Publishing House $55.00 More Details
  The Streets of Jerusalem: Who, What, Why
Eisenberg, Ronald L. 2006 Devora Publishing Company $180.00 More Details
  Jerusalem Architects Private Houses
Heimann, Yuval 1986 Published by the author $15.00 More Details
  Jerusalem and The Armenians
Antreassian, Assadour 1977 St. James Press $30.00 More Details
  Chapters In The History Of The Jewish Community In Jerusalem: Vol. A [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Ben Porat, Yehuda ; Yehoshua, Ben Zion ; Kedar, Aharon [Ed.] 1975 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
  The Topography, Economics and Historical Geography Of Jerusalem [TWO VOLUME SET]
Smith, George Adam 1975 Ariel Publishing House $30.00 More Details
Captain Charles Wilson W. 1980 ARIEL PUBLISHING HOUSE $180.00 More Details
  Jerusalem Architecture - The Old City [IN HEBREW]
Kroyanker, David 1993 Keter Press $56.25 More Details
  Jerusalem Architecture - Periods and Styles: Modern Architecture Outside The Old City Walls 1948-1990 [IN HEBREW]
Kroyanker, David 1999 Keter Press $37.50 More Details
  The Mayor and the Citadel: Teddy Kollek and Jerusalem
Shepherd, Naomi 1987 Weidenfeld & Nicholson $25.00 More Details
  The Streets of Jerusalem: Who, What, Why
Eisenberg, Ronald L. 2006 Devora Publishing Company $65.00 More Details
  Jerusalem Landscapes: Drawings and Watercolours
Ticho, Anna 1971 Dvir $20.31 More Details
  The History of Jerusalem: Crusaders and Ayyubids (1099-1250) [IN HEBREW].
Prawer, Joshua ; Ben-Shammai, Haggai 1991 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $23.44 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 447) 

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