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Greek and Roman Philosophy

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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 67) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Le Monde Grec et L`orient [TWO VOLUME SET].
Will, Edouard ; Mosse, Claude ; Goukowsky, Paul 1972 \ 1975 Presses Universitaires de France $95.00 More Details
  From Parmenides to Contemporary Thinkers : Readings in Ontology [2 VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW].
Zvie, Bar-On, Abraham [Ed.] 1977 The Magnes Press / The Hebrew University $26.56 More Details
  Die Platonische Ideenlehre in ihren Motiven.
Marck, Siegfied 1912 C. H Beck`sche $40.00 More Details
  Liber de Causis et Sancti Thomae de Aquino Super Librum de Causis Expositio.
Pouliot O.P., Vincentius-Maria [Ed.] 1967 Institutum Sancti Thomae de Aquino $95.00 More Details
Commentationes Philologicae: Volumen-Homenaje al Prof. [Profesor] Julio Campos Ruiz.
Oroz, Jose [Intr.]; Beinart, Haim; Speyer, W.; Verdiere, R.; Pigeaud, J.; Iordache, R.; Grimal, P.; Capponi, F.; Delaunois, M.; et al. 1977 [1978] Universidad Pontificia $75.00 More Details
  Aristotle`s Politics: Books I-II [ONE VOLUME. THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Aristotle / Roth, Leon [Trans.] 1974 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
  Ibn Sina und die Peripatetische "Aussagenlogik" [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Maroth, Miklos / Till, Johanna [Tr.] 1989 Akademiai Kiado $45.00 More Details
Philo and the Oral Law: The Philonic Interpretation of Biblical Law in Relation to the Palestinian Halakah [Halacha; Halakha; Halakhah]
Belkin, Samuel 1940 Harvard University Press $45.00 More Details
  Festschrift zum 75 jährigen Bestehen des jüdisch-theologischen Seminars, Fraenckelscher Stiftung - I. Band [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Heinemann, Isaak; Lewkowitz, Albert; Rabin, Israel; Guttmann, Michael 1929 Verlag M. & H. Marcus $40.00 More Details
  Griechische Philosophie im Alten Testament: Eine Einleitung in die Psalmen und Weisheitsliteratur.
Friedländer, M. 1904 Georg Reimer $20.00 More Details
  Philons Griechische und Jüdische Bildung: Kulturvergleichende Untersuchungen zu Philons Darstellung der Judischen Gesetze.
Heinemann, Isaak 1962 Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung $35.00 More Details
The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory
Goodenough, Erwin R. [Ramsdell] 1967 Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung $45.00 More Details
The Sophists
Untersteiner, Mario \ Freeman, Kathleen [Trans.] 1954 Basil Blackwell $75.00 More Details
Philonische Studien von Leopold Treitel.
Treitel, Leopold [Jakob Jehuda] / Brann, Marcus [Markus, Mordechai, Mordechaj] [Ed.] 1915 Verlag von M.&H. Marcus $60.00 More Details
  Between Moses and Plato: Individual and Society in Deuteronomy and Ancient Greek Law
Hagedorn, Anselm C. 2004 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht $20.00 More Details
  Philonis Judaei [Judæi] Opera Omnia - Vol. VIII [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Philo of Alexandria [Judaeus; Iudaeus; Alexandrinus; Philonis Judaei] / Richter, Car. Ern. [Karl Ernst; Carl] [Ed.] 1830 Sumtibus E. B. Schwickerti $35.00 More Details
  Philonis Judaei [Judæi] Opera Omnia - Vol. VI [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Philo of Alexandria [Judaeus; Iudaeus; Alexandrinus; Philonis Judaei] / Richter, Car. Ern. [Karl Ernst; Carl] [Ed.] 1829 Sumtibus E. B. Schwickerti $25.00 More Details
  Philonis Judaei Opera Omnia - Vol. V [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Philo Judaeus [Philonis Judaei; Alexandrinus] 1828 Sumtibus E. B. Schwickerti $30.00 More Details
  Philonis Judaei Opera Omnia - Vol. VII. [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Philo Judaeus [Alexandrinus; Philonis Judaei] 1830 Sumtibus E. B. Schwickerti $30.00 More Details
Volgarizzamento del Trattato di Filone Ebreo su la Virtu e le sue Specie.
Philo Judaeus of Alexandria [Filone di Alessandria; Filone l`Ebreo] / Mai, Angelo [Tr.] 1817 Carlo Dova $35.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 67) 

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