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Greek and Roman Philosophy

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 61 to 67 (of 67) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Die Lehrschriften: Grosse Ethik [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Aristoteles / Gohlke, Paul [Ed. & Trans.] 1949 Ferdinand Schöningh $18.00 More Details
  Das Classische Heidenthum und die Christliche Religion: I. Band [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
von Arneth, Franz Hektor Ritter 1895 Carl Konegen $25.00 More Details
The Hebrew Versions of Book Four of Averroes` Middle Commentary on the Nichomachean Ethics [IN HEBREW]
Berman, Lawrence V. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $14.38 More Details
The Commentary of Averroes on Aristotle`s De Anima in the Hebrew Translation of Moses b. Samuel Ibn Tibbon [IN HEBREW]
Ivry, Alfred L. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $57.81 More Details
Democratic Virtue in the Trial and Death of Socrates
Green, Ricky K. 2001 Peter Lang $55.00 More Details
  M. Annaei Senecae Rhetoris Opera ad optimas editiones collata studiis societatis Bipontinae.
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus [maior; il vecchio] 1783 Biponti ex Typographia Societatis $50.00 More Details
Averroes` Middle Commentary on Aristotle`s Nicomachean Ethics in the Hebrew Version of Samuel ben Judah [IN HEBREW]
Berman, Lawrence V. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $65.62 More Details

Showing books 61 to 67 (of 67) 

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