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Photos & Paintings Albums of Israel

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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 218) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  My Way
Gidal, Tim [Photography] / Perez, Nissan N. [Curator] 1995 The Israel Museum $20.31 More Details
  Ludwig Blum 1891-1974
Gahnassia, Yael [Foreword] / Ofrat, Gideon [Intr.] / Kidron, Peretz [Trans.] 1988 Mayanot, Art Gallery & Publishers $20.00 More Details
  Gerald Szyszkowitz - Israel Ägypten Steiermark [SIGNED BY THE ARTIST]
Lorli Ritschl Foundation 1999 Lorli Ritschl Foundation $35.00 More Details
  The Palestinians: Opression and Resistance of a Disinherited People [IN ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH AND SPANISH]
Stein, Georg 1988 Pahl-Rugenstein $20.00 More Details
Donner, Batia 1989 Tel Aviv Museum of Art / Dvir $51.56 More Details
Rothenberg, Beno 1964 E. Lewin-Epstein Ltd. $25.00 More Details
  My Israel: From Dan to Eilat in Colour
Ben-Meir, Yoram 1965 E. Lewin-Epstein Ltd. $30.00 More Details
  Celestial Nights: Visions of an Ancient Land Photographs from Israel and the Sinai
Ferris, Timothy [intro] / Folberg, Nail [Photographs] 2001 Aperture $25.00 More Details
  Time Frame: A Century of Photography in the Land of Israel
Perez, Nissan N. 2000 The Israel Museum $15.00 More Details
  To Live In Jerusalem: Special Edition Issued At The Annual Dinner Of Ezrath Nashim - Sarah Herzog Memorial Hospital In Tribute To Renee Lauffer
Gonen, Rivka ; Kroyanker, David 1993 The Israel Museum $45.00 More Details
  Eretz: The Book 1985-2005 - A Selection of Articles from ERETZ Magazine
Roman, Yadin [Ed.] 2005 The ERETZ Group $22.00 More Details
  The Negev [IN HEBREW]
Merom, Peter 1963 Maariv Printing House $17.19 More Details
  Witness to an Era [WITH BOOKLET]
Rubinger, David; Kaniuk, Yoram 1988 Nahar / Yedioth Ahronot $35.00 More Details
  Solelboneh: Jewish Workers Cooperative Association for Public Works Building and Manufacture Ltd.: Works 1921-1924 [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND YIDDISH]
$109.38 More Details
  Photographs of the Desert [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Folberg, Neil 1989 The Museum of Bedouin Culture $14.06 More Details
  1948: Israel the First Year - A Photo Album
Roman, Yadin 2008 ERETZ Magazine $23.44 More Details
  Desert`s Edge Skyline- Eilot Region
Tal, Doby; Harmanti, Moni 1994 Albatross- Aerial Photography Ltd $17.19 More Details
  L`altra Gerusalemme, i suoi volti segreti [The hidden face of Jerusalem].
Fubini, Enrico 2011 Allemandi & C. $20.00 More Details
  Time Frame: A Century of Photography in the Land of Israel [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Perez, Nissan N. 2000 The Israel Museum $17.19 More Details
  The Jordan.
Bar-Adam, Micha / Boxer, Bonnie [Trans.] 1981 Massada $20.31 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 218) 

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