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Photos & Paintings Albums of Israel

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 218) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Jerusalem and the Land of Israel: Drawings and Sketches
Engelhardt, Arpad 1995 $29.69 More Details
  Kein Utopia...: Araber, Juden, Englander in Palastina, Fotografien den Jahren 1935 bis 1941.
Zadek, Walter 1986 Dirk Nishen $20.00 More Details
  Kinneret: sea of Galilee
Carmi, Boris [Photography] / Talmi, Ephraim [Text] 1964 Yavneh $20.00 More Details
  Old Yishuv Court
Luxembourg, Daniella [Curator] 1981 Old Yishuv Court Museum $14.06 More Details
  Those Were the Days: Israel, the Early Years [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Milner, Moshe ; Salomon, Yehuda 1997 Kor`im $15.00 More Details
  Our Country: Photography [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Levac, Alex 2000 MOD / Carmel $17.19 More Details
  Land of Israel: Ten Landscapes in Watercolours [SIGNED BY PAINTER]
Gilboa, David [Painting] 1953 Daat $37.50 More Details
  Old Safad: Pictures and Sketches [SIGNED BY PAINTER]
Gilboa, David [Painting] 1953 Daat $43.75 More Details
  Jerusalem in Old Engravings and Illustrations [IN HEBREW]
Schiller, Eli [Ed.] 1977 Ariel $20.31 More Details
  The First Photographs of The Holy Land
Schiller, Ely [Ed.] 1979 Ariel $56.25 More Details
  Children of Israel.
Waagenaar, Sam 1962 Anthony Blond $14.06 More Details
  Our Country: Photography [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Levac, Alex 2000 MOD / Carmel $23.44 More Details
  Our Country: Photography [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Levac, Alex 2000 Mod / Carmel $20.31 More Details
  Shallom Inshallah: Encountering Jews, Christians and Muslims
Braw, Daniel ; Nordqvist, Magnus ; Ormestad, Catrin / Koren, Ziv [Photographs] / Fahlgren, Sune [Ed.] / Teeland, Jan [Trans] 2013 Artos & Norma $30.00 More Details
  Yafo in Drawings [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR]
Fenichel, Abba 1965 The Municipal Department for Yafo and the Suburbs / Historical Museum of Tel Aviv $37.50 More Details
  Jerusalem Approach
Krakauer, L. \ Schiff, F., Buber. M [Com] 1956 Dvir $30.00 More Details
  Witness to an Era
Rubinger, David / Kaniuk, Yoram [Introduction] 1988 Nahar / Miskal / Yedioth Ahronot $25.00 More Details
  War for Redemption and Peace [Multilingual edition - Hebrew, English, French]
Cornfeld, G. [Ed.] ND I. Bronfman / Ayal Books $30.00 More Details
  Our Finest Year
Ben-Gurion, David [Preface] / Rothenberg, Beno [ED] 1968 Am Oved $29.69 More Details
  In and Around Jerusalem
Rosenthal, Gabriella / Rosenthal Misch, Nicoletta [Ed.] 1982 Tebo Press $20.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 218) 

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