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Showing books 61 to 80 (of 141) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Philistines and the other Sea Peoples [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Hestrin, Ruth [CUTRATOR] 1970 The Israel Museum $15.00 More Details
  Tell Qiri, A Village in the Jezreel Valley: Report of the Archaeological Excavations 1975-1977 - Archaeological Investigations in the Valley of Jezreel, The Yoqne`am Regional Project.
Ben-Tor, Amnon ; Portugali, Y. 1987 The Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $40.00 More Details
  Excavations at Bet Shean - Volume 1: The Oil Lamps from the Hebrew University Excavations at Bet Shean [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Hadad, Shulamit / Laron, Gabi [Photo.] 2002 The Institute of Archaeology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem / The Israel Exploration Society $25.00 More Details
  In All Their Finery: Jewels from the Jewish World [HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Ben-Ami, Alia [Ed.] / Lobl, Oded [Photography] 2002 The Israel Museum $26.56 More Details
  Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia: A Guide to the Remote Churches of an Ancient Land
Friedlander, Maria-Jose ; Friedlander, Bob 2015 I. B. Tauris $30.00 More Details
  Silver Jewellery of Oman
Rajab, Jehan S. 1998 Tareq Rajab Museum $55.00 More Details
  Une Tombe a Ossuaires du IVe Millenaire a Azor, pres de Tel-Aviv: Rapport Preliminaire [WITH A SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKLET].
Perrot, J. 1961 The Israel Department of Antiquities $15.00 More Details
  Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology - 33: Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985, directed by Yigal Shiloh - Volume III: Stratigraphical, Environmental, and other Reports [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
de Groot, Alon ; Ariel, Donald T. [Eds.] 1992 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $45.00 More Details
  Antike Muenzen Erzaehlen / Les Monnaies Anciennes: Un Temoignage [SIGNED BY AUTHOR] [BILINGUAL GERMAN-FRENCH EDITION].
Meshorer, Y. [Ya`akov] / Lessing, Almuth ; Sharon, Anne-Marie [Tr.] 2000 Israel Museum $40.00 More Details
  Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985 Directed by Yigal Shiloh, Volume IV: Various Reports.
Ariel, Donald T. ; De Groot, Alon [Eds.] 1996 The Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $50.00 More Details
  La cité des images: Religion et société en Grèce antique
1984 Fernand Nathan / Centre de recherches comparees sur les societes anciennes / Institut d`archeologie et d`histoire ancienne $40.00 More Details
  New Light from Ancient Cosa: Classical Mediterranean Studies In Honor of Cleo Rickman Fitch
Wynick Goldman, Norma [Ed`] 2001 Peter Lang / American Academy in Rome $30.00 More Details
  The Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem: Preliminary Report of the First Season, 1968 / The Latin Inscription from the Excavations in Jerusalem.
Mazar, B. ; Avi-Yonah, M. 1969 The Israel Exploration Society $15.00 More Details
  Collections Eugene Kraemer: Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens, Pastels - Ecoles Anglaise & Francaise du XVIII Siecle, Objets d`Art et d`Ameublement [PUBLIC AUCTION CATALOGUE]
Kraemer, Eugene / van Blarenberghe, H. J.; Danloux, H. P.; David, J. L. [Jacques-Louis]; Carriera, Rosalba; et al. [ARTISTS] [1913] Galerie Georges Petit $30.00 More Details
  The Synagogue in Late Antiquity.
Levine, Lee I. [Ed.] 1987 The American Schools of Oriental Research $20.00 More Details
The Stieglitz Collection: Masterpieces of Jewish Art
Benjamin, Chaya 1987 The Israel Museum $120.00 More Details
  History Of The Archeological Exploration In Palestine - Part One [HEBREW ONLY].
Maisler, B. 1936 The Bialik Foundation $14.06 More Details
  ISRAEL - People and Land: Eretz Israel Museum Yearbook - Volume 7-8 (25-26) (1990-1993), New Series - Bar-Adon Book: Dedicated to the memory of Pesach Bar-Adon [WITH GREETING CARD SIGNED BY RECHAVAM ZEEVY] [IN HEBREW].
Zeevy, Rechavam [Ed.] 1994 Eretz Israel Museum $23.44 More Details
  Antike Münzen: Griechen, Römer, Byzantiner - Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck der Antike.
1992 Frank Sternberg AG $45.00 More Details
  Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society - Reader B (Volumes I-XV, 1933-1950) [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW].
Stern, E. [Ed.] 1965 The Israel Exploration Society $14.06 More Details

Showing books 61 to 80 (of 141) 

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