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Antiques, Artifacts & Curios

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Showing books 81 to 100 (of 141) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Adoniram Collection of West Semitic Inscriptions.
Deutsch, Robert ; Lemaire, Andre 2003 Archaeological Center $45.00 More Details
  Bezalel and Israeliana [Auction: Bezalel, Monday 11 May 1998; Israeliana, Tuesday 12 May 1998] - Catalogue.
1998 Sotheby`s $14.06 More Details
  From the Ends of the Earth: Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress
Karp, Abraham J. 1991 The Library of Congress $20.00 More Details
New Seals and Inscriptions, Hebrew, Idumean and Cuneiform.
Lubetski, Meir [Ed.] / Freedman, D.N.; Lemaire, A.; van der Veen, P.; Porten, Bezalel & Yardeni, Ada; Heide, M.; Lambert, W.G.; et al. 2007 Sheffield Phoenix Press $90.00 More Details
  Oriental Rugs - A Complete Guide
Jacobsen, Charles W. 1969 Charles E. Tuttle Company $45.00 More Details
Horvat `Uza and Horvat Radum: Two Fortresses in the Biblical Negev.
Beit-Arieh, Itzhaq / Cresson, Bruce C.; Fischer, Moshe; Freud, Liora; Tal, Oren / Beck, P.; Jackson-Tal, R.; Sade, M.; Ziffer, I.; et al. 2007 Emery and Clare Yass Publications in Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University $170.00 More Details
  Fakes and Forgeries: From Collections in Israel
Lehrer-Jacobson, Gusta 1989 Eretz Israel Museum $23.44 More Details
  Gleanings from the Caves: Dead Sea Scrolls and Artifacts [Artefacts] from the Schoyen Collection.
Elgvin, Torleif [Ed.] / Davis, Kipp; Langlois, Michael [Associate Eds.] 2016 Bloomsbury T&T Clark $45.00 More Details
  In Search of V.O.C. Glass.
Heller, David Maskew Miller $20.00 More Details
  Handbook of Egyptian Gods and Mummy Amulets.
Blanchard, R. H. 1909 Attic Books $22.00 More Details
  Jewellery from the Ancient World.
Grundman, Shmuel / Hariss, David [Photo.] 1969 The Israel Museum $20.31 More Details
  Tzaddik`s Guide to Jerusalem`s Old City [Zadik`s; Zaddik`s; Sadiq`s]
Selavan, Barnea Levi 1993 Feldheim $14.06 More Details
  Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles, Pt. 57: The Herbert Schneider Collection - Volume Two: English Gold Coins, 1603 to the 20th Century [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Woodhead, Peter 2002 Spink & Son Limited $30.00 More Details
  Le Wiener Werkstätte / Les Ateliers Viennois 1903-1932 [IN FRENCH].
Brandstätter, Christan / Bertrand, Jean [Tr.] 2004 Éditions Hazan $45.00 More Details
  Grandeur and Glory - Hod Vehadar: Remnants of Jewish Art in Galicia - Vol. I: Eastern Galicia, A-O [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Wunder, Meir ; Lukin, Benjamin ; Khaimovich, Boris [Ed.] 2005 Institute for Commemoration of Galician Jewry / Jerusalem Center for Documentation of Diaspora Heritage $30.00 More Details
The Stieglitz Collection: Masterpieces of Jewish Art
Benjamin, Chaya 1987 The Israel Museum $180.00 More Details
  Studies in Our Country, Its Past and Remains [L`Heqer Artzenu - `Avar Us`ridim]: The Continuity of the Old Population, "`Aliyoth", Historical Topography, Archaeological Remains, Sacred Tombs and Folklore [IN HEBREW].
Braslvsky, Joseph 1954 Genreal Foundation of Jewish Labour in Israel / Hakibbutz Hameuhad $20.31 More Details
  Hats and Caps of the Jews.
Davis, Eli ; Davis, Elise 1983 Massada $20.00 More Details
Chinese Bronzes: The Natanael Wessén Collection.
Karlgren, Bernhard / Wirgin, Jan 1969 The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Östasiatiska Museet) $55.00 More Details
  Archaeology and Society in the 21st Century: The Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Case Studies.
Silberman, Neil Asher ; Frerichs, Ernest S. [Ed.] 2001 Israel Exploration Society / The Dorot Foundation $22.00 More Details

Showing books 81 to 100 (of 141) 

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