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Middle East & The Arab World

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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 841) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Temperament and Character of the Arabs
Hamady, Sania 1960 Twayne Publishers $20.00 More Details
The Land Law of Palestine
Goadby, Frederic M. / Doukhan, Moses J. 1935 Shoshany`s Printing Co. (Sweet & Maxwell / S. Bursi / P. Kadi) $280.00 More Details
The Land Law of Palestine
Goadby, Frederic M. / Doukhan, Moses J. 1935 Shoshany`s Printing Co. (Sweet & Maxwell / S. Bursi / P. Kadi) $180.00 More Details
  Every Sixth Israeli: Relations Between the Jewish Majority and the Arab Minority in Israel
Hareven, Alouph [Ed.] 1983 The Van Leer Jerusalem Foundation $20.00 More Details
  Industrialization in the Middle East
Grunwald, Kurt; Ronall, Joachim O. 1960 Council for Middle Eastern Affairs $20.00 More Details
  Cnaanite Gods in Metal: An Archeological Study of Ancient Syro-Palestinian Figurines.
Negbi, Ora 1976 Tel Aviv University - Institute of Archeology $30.00 More Details
  Jews in the Moslem Religious Court: Society, Economy and Communal Organization in the XVIII Century - Documents from Ottoman Jerusalem [IN HEBREW]
Cohen, Amnon; Simon-Pikali, Elisheva; Salama, Ovadia 1996 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
  Jews in the Moslem Religious Court: Society, Economy and Communal Organization in the XVIth Century - Documents from Ottoman Jerusalem [IN HEBREW]
Cohen, Amnon; Simon-Pikali, Elisheva 1993 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
  Wisdom of the Egyptians: With 128 Figures
Petrie, Flinders 1940 British School of Archaeology in Egypt / Bernard Quaritch $65.00 More Details
  Sinai: In Old Engrabings and Illustrations [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Schiller, Ely [Ed] \ Vilnay, Zev [Introduction] 1978 Ariel $20.31 More Details
  Damas: Guide Touristique
Les Echos de Damas $25.00 More Details
  Caricatures from the World Press / Cartoons from the World Press [EIGHT VOLUME SET]
1975 Israel Information Center $80.00 More Details
  Who Was Who In Egyptology
R. Dawson, Warren ; P. Uphill, Eric 1995 The Egypt Exploration Society $30.00 More Details
  Personal Names in the Nabatean Realm.
Negev, Avraham 1991 The Institute of Archaeology - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $30.00 More Details
  Theatre from Medieval Cairo: The Ibn Dāniyāl Trio
Mahfouz, Safi [Trans., Ed.] ; Carlson, Marvin [Trans., Ed.] 2013 Martin E. Segal Theatre Center $240.00 More Details
  Four Plays from Syria: Sa`dallah Wannous - The Evening Party for the Fifth of June / The Adventure of the Mamluk Jaber`s Head / Rituals of Signs and Transformations / The Drunken Days
Carlson, Marvin ; Mahfouz, Safi [Ed.] 2014 Martin E. Segal Theatre Center $25.00 More Details
  Notes on the Bedouins (V): Aspects of Bedouin Culture and Folklore in Sinai and the Negev
Bailey, Clinton [Ed.] Midrashat Sde-Boker Field Studies School $20.31 More Details
  A Grammar of Egyptian Aramaic: Second Revised Edition.
Muraoka, Takamitsu ; Porten, Bezalel 2003 SBL Press $40.00 More Details
  Four Plays From North Africa
Carlson, Marvin [Ed, Introduction] 2008 Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications $25.00 More Details
  Word into Art: Artists of the Modern Middle East
Porter, Venetia ; Causse, Isabelle / Eigner, Saeb [Forword] 2006 The British Museum Press $25.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 841) 

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