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Showing books 81 to 100 (of 280) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Bonheur Mais sur Quel ton le Dire / Les Musiciens, les Emigrants: Repertoire Thematique Contemporain [TWO BOOKS] [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR].
Atlan, Liliane / Eladan, Jacques [Preface] / Centre National des Lettres [Ed.] 1996 / 1993 L`Harmattan / Quatre-Vents $25.00 More Details
  Tableau Historique et Critique de la Poesie Francaise et du Theatre Francais au Seizieme Siecle [VOLUME I ONLY]
Sainte-Beuve, C. - A. [Charles Augustin] 1828 A. Sautelet et Comp $35.00 More Details
  Chefs-d`Oeuvre Dramatiques de Voltaire: Nouvelle Edition - Ornee du Portrait de l`Auteur
Voltaire 1850 P. H. Krabbe $40.00 More Details
  Oeuvres Completes de Beaumarchais [SIX VOLUME SET]
Beaumarchais, [Pierre] / La Harpe [De La Harpe, Jear-Francois] 1826 Furne $220.00 More Details
  Oeuvres de Jean Rotrou [FIVE VOLUME SET]
Rotrou, Jean 1820 Chez Th. Desoer $250.00 More Details
  Plague and the Athenian Imagination: Drama, history and the cult of Asclepius.
Mitchell-Boyask, Robin 2008 Cambridge University Press $20.00 More Details
  Comoediae [SET IN TWO VOLUMES]
Plauti, T. Macci / Lindsay, Wallace Martin [Ed.] Oxford University Press $40.00 More Details
  Shakespeare`s Entrails: Belief, Scepticism and the Interior of the Body.
Hillman, David 2007 Palgrave Macmillan $75.00 More Details
  Politics, Plague, and Shakespeare`s Theater: the Stuart Years
Barroll, Leeds 1991 Cornell University Press $20.00 More Details
  Habima - The National Theatre of Israel Seventy Years [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Shva, Shlomo [Ed.] / Prath, Amram [DESIGN] 1987 Keter / Association of Friends of the Habima National Theatre $14.06 More Details
  The Shakespearean World: A Collection of Critical Essays Written to Commemorate the 400th Anniversary of His Birth [IN HEBREW].
Roston, Murray [Ed.] 1965 Am Hassefer $14.06 More Details
  Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre - Volume V [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN YIDDISH].
Zylbercweig, Zalmen [Ed.] 1969 Elisheva $75.00 More Details
  Die Juden: Ein Lustspiel in einem Aufzuge
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 1929 Soncino-Gesellschaft $20.00 More Details
  O Dibuk: Entre Dois Mundos - Lenda Dramatica em Quatro Atos
An-Ski, Sch. / Guinsburg, Jaco [Ed.] / Jacobbi, Ruggero [Preface] 1952 Perspectiva $75.00 More Details
  Theatre: De Paul Claudel [TWO VOLUME SET].
Claudel, Paul / Madaule, Jacques ; Petit, Jacues [Ed.] 1965 / 1967 Gallimard $30.00 More Details
  Asimov`s Guide to Shakespeare: Volume One - The Greek, Roman, and Italian Plays, Volume Two - The English Plays [TWO VOLUMES IN ONE]
Asimov, Isaac / Palacios, Rafael [Tran.] 1978 Avenel Books $45.00 More Details
  L`hybris Dans la Tragedie Grecque: Tome I [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Dirat, Maurice 1973 Universite de Lille $65.00 More Details
  The Jewish king Lear: A Comedy in America
Gordin, Jacob \ Gay, Ruth [Trans. and notes]; Glazer, Sophie [Notes] 2007 Yale University Press $15.00 More Details
  Album Theatre Classique: La vie theatrale sous Louis XIII et Louis XIV- 525 Illustrations
Chevalley, Sylvie [editor] 1970 Gallimard $20.00 More Details
  Reflexions D`un Cineaste
Eisenstein, Serge [Sergei] 1958 Editions en Langues Etrangeres $25.00 More Details

Showing books 81 to 100 (of 280) 

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